
63 lines
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2013-04-30 15:58:31 -04:00
# for setting up
2015-05-15 01:26:30 -04:00
bind-key r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message " ✱ ~/.tmux.conf is reloaded"
2013-04-30 15:58:31 -04:00
2016-08-13 16:06:49 -04:00
# 256 colors
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
2013-04-30 15:58:31 -04:00
# double tap for back and forth
2016-08-13 16:06:49 -04:00
bind-key C-b last-window
2013-04-30 15:58:31 -04:00
2013-08-03 02:24:11 -04:00
# for muxception
2016-08-13 16:06:49 -04:00
bind-key b send-prefix
2013-08-03 02:24:11 -04:00
2013-04-30 15:58:31 -04:00
# close window
bind q confirm kill-window
# 0 is way over there
set-option -g base-index 1
setw -g pane-base-index 1
2016-08-13 16:06:49 -04:00
# history should be longer
2013-04-30 15:58:31 -04:00
set -g history-limit 10000
# no autorename
set -g automatic-rename off
# renumber windows
set -g renumber-windows on
2015-06-04 11:22:31 -04:00
# move windows around
bind H swap-window -t -1
bind L swap-window -t +1
2013-04-30 15:58:31 -04:00
# activity stuff
set-window-option -g monitor-activity off
# copy mode stuff
set-window-option -g mode-keys vi # emulate vim movement in copy mode
# be more like vim
bind h select-pane -L # left pane
bind j select-pane -D # bottom pane
bind k select-pane -U # top pane
bind l select-pane -R # right pane
bind < resize-pane -L 10
bind > resize-pane -R 10
bind - resize-pane -D 10
bind + resize-pane -U 10
# status bar stuff
set -g status on
set -g status-bg colour236
set -g status-fg white
set -g status-left '#[fg=green]#H'
set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg white
set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg black
set-option -g status-right '%d %b %Y @ %k:%M'
# because the new tmux is inadequate
source-file ~/.tmux.1-8.conf # always source the 1.8 file
2016-08-13 16:06:49 -04:00
if-shell "[[ `tmux -V | cut -d' ' -f2` -ge 1.9 ]]" \
"source-file ~/.tmux.1-9.conf"