Andrew Tomaka
Implement a new class for handling Demon Hunters. Demon Hunter formulas are slightly different and can be maintained via the Demon Hunter class file.
183 lines
5.2 KiB
183 lines
5.2 KiB
class DPClassFactory {
function createClassObject($characterPage, $elementalOnWeapon) {
$class = DPClassFactory::findClass($characterPage);
include_once(__DIR__ . "/$class.php");
switch($class) {
case 'barbarian':
return new Barbarian($characterPage, $elementalOnWeapon);
case 'demonhunter':
return new DemonHunter($characterPage, $elementalOnWeapon);
return false;
function findClass($characterPage) {
preg_match('{<span class="diablo_.*?">(.*?)</span>}', $characterPage, $class);
return str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($class[1]));
class DPClass {
var $dpHTML;
var $class;
var $stats = array();
var $items = array();
function __construct($characterPage, $elementalOnWeapon) {
$this->dpHTML = $characterPage;
$this->class = get_class($this);
$this->elementalOnWeapon = $elementalOnWeapon;
function hallScore() {
return $this->DPSScore() * $this->EHPScore() * $this->sustainScore()
* $this->moveScore() * $this->paragonScore() * $this->miscScore();
function DPSScore() {
return $this->getStat('DPS Unbuffed') / 1000;
function EHPScore() {
$ehp = $this->getStat('EHP Unbuffed');
if($ehp < 1000000) {
return $ehp / 10000;
} elseif(1000000 <= $ehp && $ehp <= 2000000) {
return 100 + ($ehp - 1000000) / 20000;
} elseif(2000000 <= $ehp && $ehp <= 5000000) {
return 150 + ($ehp - 2000000) / 40000;
} elseif($ehp <= 5000000) {
return 225 + ($ehp - 5000000) / 100000;
function sustainScore() {
$effectiveLS = $this->getStat('DPS Unbuffed') *
$this->getStat('Life Steal') * .5;
$mitigation = $this->getStat('EHP Unbuffed') / $this->getStat('Life');
$rawSustainScore = 1 + $mitigation * ($this->getStat('Life on Hit') *
(1 + ($this->getStat('Attacks per Second') - 1) / 2) +
$effectiveLS + $this->getStat('Life per Second')) /
($this->getStat('Life') * $this->EHPScore() * 10000 /
$this->getStat('EHP Unbuffed'));
if($rawSustainScore <= 1.5) {
return $rawSustainScore;
} elseif(1.5 < $rawSustainScore && $rawSustainScore <= 2) {
return 1.5 + ($rawSustainScore - 1.5) / 2;
} elseif(2 < $rawSustainScore && $rawSustainScore <= 3) {
return 1.75 + ($rawSustainScore - 2) / 4;
} else {
return 2 + ($rawSustainScore - 3) / 10;
function moveScore() {
return ($this->getStat('Movement Speed') > .25) ? 1.25 : 1 + $this->getStat('Movement Speed');
function paragonScore() {
return 1 + $this->stats['Paragon Level'] / 2 / 100;
function miscScore() {
return 1;
function isParagonMaxed() {
return $this->getStat('Paragon Level') == 100;
function getStat($name) {
return (isset($this->stats[$name])) ? $this->stats[$name] : 0;
function parseStats() {
preg_match_all('{<div class="char_attr"><nobr><span class="char_attr_name">(.*?):<\/span> <span class="char_attr_value">(.*?)<\/span><\/nobr><\/div>}', $this->dpHTML, $attributes);
for($i = 0; $i < count($attributes[0]); $i++) {
$attributes[2][$i] = str_replace(',', '', $attributes[2][$i]);
if(preg_match('/%/', $attributes[2][$i]) > 0) {
$attributes[2][$i] = str_replace('%', '', $attributes[2][$i]);
$attributes[2][$i] /= 100;
$this->stats[$attributes[1][$i]] = $attributes[2][$i];
$this->stats['Gem Life'] = $this->calculateGemLife();
$this->stats['All Elemental Damage'] = $this->elementalDamage();
function elementalDamage() {
$totalElemental = 0;
foreach($this->stats as $stat => $value) {
if(preg_match('/\+DPS \(.*\)/', $stat) > 0) {
$totalElemental += $value;
if($this->elementalOnWeapon && $totalElemental != 1) {
$totalElemental *= .5;
return ($totalElemental > 0) ? $totalElemental : 0;
function calculateGemLife() {
if($this->isParagonMaxed()) return 0;
switch($this->getStat('Exp Bonus')) {
case .19: return .12;
case .21: return .14;
case .25: return .15;
case .27: return .16;
case .29: return .17;
case .31: return .18;
default: return 0;
function modifyExpBonus() {
if($this->getStat('Exp Bonus') >= .35) {
$this->stats['Exp Bonus'] = $this->getStat('Exp Bonus') - .35;
function modifyDPSUnbuffed() {
$this->stats['DPS Unbuffed'] = $this->getStat('DPS Unbuffed') *
(1 + $this->getStat('All Elemental Damage')) *
max(1, 1 + ($this->getStat('+DPS Against Elites') / 2));
function modifyEHP() {
$this->stats['EHP Unbuffed'] = $this->getStat('EHP Unbuffed') *
(1 + $this->getStat('Life Bonus') + $this->getStat('Gem Life')) /
(1 + $this->getStat('Life Bonus'));
function modifyHP() {
$this->stats['Life'] = $this->getStat('Life') *
(1 + $this->getStat('Life Bonus') + $this->getStat('Gem Life')) /
(1 + $this->getStat('Life Bonus'));