Andrew Tomaka 00834e66e7 Remove Elemental Damage From Calculations
Diablo Progress currently includes elemental damage in their unbuffed
DPS score.  By calculating it, we are double dipping and artificially
increasing scores.  All instances of elemental damage have been
removed from the formula.
2012-12-06 13:40:40 -05:00

177 lines
5 KiB

class DPClassFactory {
function createClassObject($characterPage) {
$class = DPClassFactory::findClass($characterPage);
include_once(__DIR__ . "/$class.php");
switch($class) {
case 'barbarian':
return new Barbarian($characterPage);
case 'demonhunter':
return new DemonHunter($characterPage);
return false;
function findClass($characterPage) {
preg_match('{<span class="diablo_.*?">(.*?)</span>}', $characterPage, $class);
return str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($class[1]));
class DPClass {
var $dpHTML;
var $class;
var $stats = array();
var $items = array();
function __construct($characterPage) {
$this->dpHTML = $characterPage;
$this->class = get_class($this);
function hallScore() {
return $this->DPSScore() * $this->EHPScore() * $this->sustainScore()
* $this->moveScore() * $this->paragonScore() * $this->miscScore();
function DPSScore() {
return $this->getStat('DPS Unbuffed') / 1000;
function EHPScore() {
$ehp = $this->getStat('EHP Unbuffed');
if($ehp < 1000000) {
return $ehp / 10000;
} elseif(1000000 <= $ehp && $ehp <= 2000000) {
return 100 + ($ehp - 1000000) / 20000;
} elseif(2000000 <= $ehp && $ehp <= 5000000) {
return 150 + ($ehp - 2000000) / 40000;
} elseif($ehp <= 5000000) {
return 225 + ($ehp - 5000000) / 100000;
function sustainScore() {
$effectiveLS = $this->getStat('DPS Unbuffed') *
$this->getStat('Life Steal') * .5;
$mitigation = $this->getStat('EHP Unbuffed') / $this->getStat('Life');
$rawSustainScore = 1 + $mitigation * ($this->getStat('Life on Hit') *
(1 + ($this->getStat('Attacks per Second') - 1) / 2) +
$effectiveLS + $this->getStat('Life per Second')) /
($this->getStat('Life') * $this->EHPScore() * 10000 /
$this->getStat('EHP Unbuffed'));
if($rawSustainScore <= 1.5) {
return $rawSustainScore;
} elseif(1.5 < $rawSustainScore && $rawSustainScore <= 2) {
return 1.5 + ($rawSustainScore - 1.5) / 2;
} elseif(2 < $rawSustainScore && $rawSustainScore <= 3) {
return 1.75 + ($rawSustainScore - 2) / 4;
} else {
return 2 + ($rawSustainScore - 3) / 10;
function moveScore() {
return ($this->getStat('Movement Speed') > .25) ? 1.25 : 1 + $this->getStat('Movement Speed');
function paragonScore() {
return 1 + $this->stats['Paragon Level'] / 2 / 100;
function miscScore() {
return 1;
function isParagonMaxed() {
return $this->getStat('Paragon Level') == 100;
function getStat($name) {
return (isset($this->stats[$name])) ? $this->stats[$name] : 0;
function parseStats() {
preg_match_all('{<div class="char_attr"><nobr><span class="char_attr_name">(.*?):<\/span> <span class="char_attr_value">(.*?)<\/span><\/nobr><\/div>}', $this->dpHTML, $attributes);
for($i = 0; $i < count($attributes[0]); $i++) {
$attributes[2][$i] = str_replace(',', '', $attributes[2][$i]);
if(preg_match('/%/', $attributes[2][$i]) > 0) {
$attributes[2][$i] = str_replace('%', '', $attributes[2][$i]);
$attributes[2][$i] /= 100;
$this->stats[$attributes[1][$i]] = $attributes[2][$i];
$this->stats['Gem Life'] = $this->calculateGemLife();
$this->stats['All Elemental Damage'] = $this->elementalDamage();
function elementalDamage() {
$totalElemental = 0;
foreach($this->stats as $stat => $value) {
if(preg_match('/\+DPS \(.*\)/', $stat) > 0) {
$totalElemental += $value;
return ($totalElemental > 0) ? $totalElemental : 0;
function calculateGemLife() {
if($this->isParagonMaxed()) return 0;
switch($this->getStat('Exp Bonus')) {
case .19: return .12;
case .21: return .14;
case .25: return .15;
case .27: return .16;
case .29: return .17;
case .31: return .18;
default: return 0;
function modifyExpBonus() {
if($this->getStat('Exp Bonus') >= .35) {
$this->stats['Exp Bonus'] = $this->getStat('Exp Bonus') - .35;
function modifyDPSUnbuffed() {
$this->stats['DPS Unbuffed'] = $this->getStat('DPS Unbuffed') *
max(1, 1 + ($this->getStat('+DPS Against Elites') / 2));
function modifyEHP() {
$this->stats['EHP Unbuffed'] = $this->getStat('EHP Unbuffed') *
(1 + $this->getStat('Life Bonus') + $this->getStat('Gem Life')) /
(1 + $this->getStat('Life Bonus'));
function modifyHP() {
$this->stats['Life'] = $this->getStat('Life') *
(1 + $this->getStat('Life Bonus') + $this->getStat('Gem Life')) /
(1 + $this->getStat('Life Bonus'));