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ValidatesTimeliness.setup do |config|
# Extend ORM/ODMs for full support (:active_record, :mongoid).
# config.extend_orms = [ :active_record ]
# Default timezone
# config.default_timezone = :utc
# Set the dummy date part for a time type values.
# config.dummy_date_for_time_type = [ 2000, 1, 1 ]
# Ignore errors when restriction options are evaluated
# config.ignore_restriction_errors = false
# Re-display invalid values in date/time selects
# config.enable_date_time_select_extension!
# Handle multiparameter date/time values strictly
# config.enable_multiparameter_extension!
# Shorthand date and time symbols for restrictions
# config.restriction_shorthand_symbols.update(
# :now => lambda { Time.current },
# :today => lambda { Date.current }
# )
# Use the plugin date/time parser which is stricter and extendable
# config.use_plugin_parser = false
# Add one or more formats making them valid. e.g. add_formats(:date, 'd(st|rd|th) of mmm, yyyy')
# config.parser.add_formats()
# Remove one or more formats making them invalid. e.g. remove_formats(:date, 'dd/mm/yyy')
# config.parser.remove_formats()
# Change the amiguous year threshold when parsing a 2 digit year
# config.parser.ambiguous_year_threshold = 30
# Treat ambiguous dates, such as 01/02/1950, as a Non-US date.
# config.parser.remove_us_formats