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425 lines
12 KiB

// index_data.php - schedule on the system:
// * * * * * php cronjobs/index_data.php >/dev/null 2>&1
// Collect data from various services and store locally for later display.
$startTime = time();
$interruptedExecution = false;
// make sure our file_exist returns fresh data. Likely not necessary.
if(in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],array('localhost','a.io'))) {
$conf = json_decode(file_get_contents(getcwd() . '/../conf/wia.conf'));
} else {
$conf = json_decode(file_get_contents('/home/atomaka/conf/wia.conf'));
define('CACHE',$conf->site->path . '/data/cache.txt');
define('DATA',$conf->site->path . '/data/index.txt');
define('LOCK',$conf->site->path . '/data/whoisandrew.lock');
// All the sources we intend on pulling data from with a corresponding
// cache lifetime.
$dataSources = array(
'twitter' => 300,
'github' => 300,
'hulu' => 600,
'lastfm' => 60,
'sc2ranks' => 43200,
'steam' => 3600,
'wow' => 43200,
// Make sure that the script does not begin execution if it is already.
if(!file_exists(LOCK)) {
} else {
$interruptedExecution = true;
// In case our data files are not present
if(file_exists(CACHE)) {
$cacheData = json_decode(file_get_contents(CACHE),true);
} else {
$cacheData = array();
if(file_exists(DATA)) {
$sourceData = json_decode(file_get_contents(DATA),true);
} else {
$sourceData = array();
foreach($dataSources as $dataSource=>$refreshTime) {
// check last time the data was updated
$lastModified = (array_key_exists($dataSource, $cacheData)) ?
$cacheData[$dataSource] : 0;
// and see if we need to retrieve new information
if(time() - $lastModified > $refreshTime) {
$cacheData[$dataSource] = time();
$data = call_user_func($dataSource);
if($data != false) {
echo 'updating ' . $dataSource . '<br/>';
$sourceData[$dataSource] = $data;
} else {
echo 'failed ' . $dataSource . '<br/>';
$cacheData[$dataSource] = 0;
// Data sources
function twitter() {
$url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?include_entities=true&include_rts=true&screen_name=atomaka&count=1';
$tweetInfo = json_decode(curl_request($url));
// An empty result set currently (always?) means that the last post was
// retweeted.
if(empty($tweetInfo)) {
$data = array(
'text' => 'Last post was a retweet and cannot be listed.',
'time' => 0,
} else {
$tweet = urlify($tweetInfo[0]->text);
$data = array(
'text' => $tweet,
'time' => strtotime($tweetInfo[0]->created_at),
if(isset($data['text']) && isset($data['time'])) {
return $data;
} else {
return false;
function github() {
// get the last repo we worked on
$url = 'https://api.github.com/users/atomaka/repos';
$repos = json_decode(curl_request($url));
// & notation for a variable to be passed by reference is actually
// deprecated and will cause a warning in 5.3. However, it is
// required to work in 5.2
// and then get the last commit to that repo
$url = sprintf('https://api.github.com/repos/atomaka/%s/commits',
$commits = json_decode(curl_request($url));
$data = array(
'commit' => $commits[0]->commit->message,
'repo' => $repos[0]->name,
'url' => $repos[0]->html_url,
if(isset($data['commit']) && isset($data['repo']) && isset($data['url'])) {
return $data;
} else {
return false;
function lastfm() {
$url = 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=atomaka&limit=1&api_key=27ea07733c17562cf1fe512586954825';
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
$latestSong = $xml->recenttracks->track[0];
$cover = (is_array($latestSong->image)) ?
'img/lastfm/blank_album64.png' : (string)$latestSong->image[1];
$time = (isset($latestSong->attributes()->nowplaying) &&
(bool)$latestSong->attributes()->nowplaying) ?
0 : strtotime($latestSong->date . ' UTC');
$data = array(
'song' => (string)$latestSong->name,
'artist' => (string)$latestSong->artist,
'time' => $time,
'url' => (string)$latestSong->url,
'cover' => $cover,
if(isset($data['song']) && isset($data['artist']) && isset($data['time']) && isset($data['url']) && isset($data['cover'])) {
return $data;
} else {
return false;
function sc2ranks() {
$url = 'http://sc2ranks.com/api/base/teams/us/Gaffer$888.json?appKey=whoisandrew.com';
$profile = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
// find the 1v1 team
foreach($profile->teams as $team) {
if($team->bracket == 1) break;
$data = array(
'league' => $team->league,
'division' => $team->division,
'rank' => $team->division_rank,
'points' => $team->points,
'wins' => $team->wins,
if(isset($data['league']) && isset($data['division']) && isset($data['rank']) && isset($data['points']) && isset($data['wins'])) {
return $data;
} else {
return false;
function hulu() {
$url = 'http://www.hulu.com/feed/history/atomaka';
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
// data for last show
$lastShow = $xml->channel->item[0];
$title = explode(' - ', $lastShow->title);
preg_match('/<img src="(.*)" align="right"/',(string)$lastShow->description,
$data = array(
'series' => isset($title[2]) ? $title[0] : 'Not Available',
'title' => isset($title[2]) ? $title[2] : $title[0],
'time' => strtotime($lastShow->pubDate),
'url' => (string)$lastShow->link,
'thumb' => $thumb[1],
if(isset($data['series']) && isset($data['title']) && isset($data['time']) && isset($data['url']) && isset($data['thumb'])) {
return $data;
} else {
return false;
function steam() {
$url = 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993725971/?xml=1';
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
// find the most recently played games
$recentGames = array();
if(isset($xml->mostPlayedGames)) {
foreach($xml->mostPlayedGames->mostPlayedGame as $game) {
$recentGames[] = array(
'name' => (string)$game->gameName,
'link' => (string)$game->gameLink,
'hours' => (float)$game->hoursPlayed,
$data = array(
'hours' => (float)$xml->hoursPlayed2Wk,
'recent' => $recentGames,
if(isset($data['hours']) && isset($data['recent'])) {
return $data;
} else {
return false;
function wow() {
$CLASSES = array(
6 => 'deathknight',
5 => 'priest',
11 => 'druid',
4 => 'rogue',
8 => 'mage',
7 => 'shaman',
1 => 'warrior',
9 => 'warlock',
3 => 'hunter',
$characters = array(
'Gaffer' => false,
'Getburnt' => false,
'Veincane' => false,
'Toppazz' => false,
'Toopro' => false,
'Levita' => false,
'Ttg' => false,
'Notgaffer' => false,
'Loveglove' => false,
$currentInstance = 25; // 25 = Firelands
// build our mutli curl request
$mh = curl_multi_init();
foreach($characters as $character=>$data) {
$url = sprintf('http://us.battle.net/api/wow/character/crushridge/%s?fields=progression,talents',
$characters[$character] = curl_prep($url);
curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $characters[$character]);
// execute the multi curl request
$running = 0;
do {
curl_multi_exec($mh, $running);
} while($running > 0);
// and process the results
$characterData = array();
foreach($characters as $character=>$data) {
$json = json_decode(
// merge heroic and normal ragnaros
$bosses = $json->progression->raids[$currentInstance]->bosses;
$bosses[6]->heroicKills = $bosses[7]->heroicKills;
// find the boss with the lowest kills
$leastN = 1000;
$leastH = 1000;
foreach($bosses as $boss) {
// -1 means that the boss has never but killed on normal, but
// has been on heroic so it's safe to reset to 0 for our purposes.
if($boss->normalKills == -1) $boss->normalKills = 0;
if(($boss->normalKills + $boss->heroicKills) < $leastN) {
$leastN = $boss->normalKills + $boss->heroicKills;
if($boss->heroicKills < $leastH) $leastH = $boss->heroicKills;
//find our active talent tree
foreach($json->talents as $talent) {
if(isset($talent->selected)) {
$characterData[$character] = array(
'name' => $character,
'level' => $json->level,
'class' => $CLASSES[$json->class],
'progression' => $leastH > 0 ? $leastH * 100 : $leastN,
'armory' => sprintf('http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/crushridge/%s/advanced',$character),
'spec_icon' => $talent->icon,
'spec_name' => $talent->name,
// & notation for a variable to be passed by reference is actually
// deprecated and will cause a warning in 5.3. However, it is
// required to work in 5.2
$data = $characterData;
foreach($data as $character) {
if(!isset($character['name'])) return false;
if(!isset($character['level'])) return false;
if(!isset($character['class'])) return false;
if(!isset($character['progression'])) return false;
if(!isset($character['armory'])) return false;
if(!isset($character['spec_icon'])) return false;
if(!isset($character['spec_name'])) return false;
return $data;
// Helper functions
function curl_request($url) {
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$contents = curl_exec($curl);
return $contents;
function curl_prep($url) {
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
return $curl;
function urlify($string) {
$pattern ="{\\b((https?|telnet|gopher|file|wais|ftp) : [\\w/\\#~:.?+=&%@!\\-]+?) (?= [.:?\\-]* (?:[^\\w/\\#~:.?+=&%@!\\-] |$) ) }x";
return preg_replace($pattern,"<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>", $string);
function github_sort($a, $b) {
return strtotime($a->pushed_at) < strtotime($b->pushed_at);
function progression_sort($a, $b) {
return $a['progression'] < $b['progression'];
function shutdown() {
// need to make the variables we need available
global $interruptedExecution, $startTime, $conf;
$db = mysqli_init();
// $interruptedExecution is true if our lock file still existed when the
// script began execution. true also implies that the lock file does not
// exist.
if($interruptedExecution) {
$query = "INSERT INTO wia_log (time,type,description) VALUES(NOW(),
'The script attempted to run while another copy was already processing')";
} else {
$completionTime = time() - $startTime;
// If the script took longer to execute than the server allows and the server
// does not have an unlimited execution time
if($completionTime >= ini_get('max_execution_time') &&
ini_get('max_execution_time') != 0) {
$message = 'The script reached the maximum execution time: ' .
$query = "INSERT INTO wia_log (time,type,description) VALUES(NOW(),