Basic LUA implementation

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Andrew Tomaka 2011-06-29 08:30:30 -04:00
parent 3fba9bfb88
commit 91bfed75ed

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@ -6,23 +6,33 @@ function core:OnInitialize()
end end
function core:OnEnable() function core:OnEnable()
self:RegisterEvent('COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED','CheckGemCut'); self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED','StackGem');
end end
function core:CheckGemCut(_,event,_,sourceGUID,sourceName,_,_,_,_,_,_,spellSchool) function core:StackGem(unitID,spell,rank,lineID,spellID)
if(not gemCasts[spellSchool]) then return end; --should receive something like "player","Reckless Ember Topaz","",2,73369
if(unitID ~= 'player') then return end;
if(not gems[spellID]) then return end;
self:RegisterEvent('BAG_UPDATE','StackGem'); --go through all bag slots and find all stacks of this gem type.
end --local sourceStack = {};
--local destStack = {};
--for all of the bags
-- for all of the slots
-- if(gems[spellID] == GetContainerItemID(1,11)) then
-- _,count = GetContainerItemInfo(container, slot)
-- if(count == 1) then
-- sourceStack = {container,slot);
-- elseif(count < 20) then
-- destStack = {container,slot);
-- end
-- end
-- end
function core:StackGem(container) --if there is a stack of 1 and a stack of < 20, combine them
--find the item (tricky?) PickupContainerItem(sourceStack[0],sourceStack[1])
--check all bags to see if there is an existing stack
--if there is an existing stack and it is not max, stack the new gem on the old stack
end end
--BAG_UPDATE - container --BAG_UPDATE - container