Fork 0

Redraw interface when processing added and removed user instances.

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Tomaka 2011-09-23 01:15:44 -04:00
parent 8cb8121d7b
commit aea18de7ed
1 changed files with 54 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ local defaults = {
vpPos = 1,
-- Change table? ['Baradin Hold'] = { abbreviation = 'BH', enable = true }
instances = {
[Z['Baradin Hold']] = { abbreviation = 'BH', enable = true },
[Z['Firelands']] = { abbreviation = 'FL', enable = true },
[Z['The Bastion of Twilight']] = { abbreviation = 'BoT', enable = true },
[Z['Blackwing Descent']] = { abbreviation = 'BWD', enable = true },
[Z['Throne of the Four Winds']] = { abbreviation = '4W', enable = true },
[Z['Baradin Hold']] = { abbreviation = 'BH', enable = true, removed = false, },
[Z['Firelands']] = { abbreviation = 'FL', enable = true, removed = false, },
[Z['The Bastion of Twilight']] = { abbreviation = 'BoT', enable = true, removed = false, },
[Z['Blackwing Descent']] = { abbreviation = 'BWD', enable = true, removed = false, },
[Z['Throne of the Four Winds']] = { abbreviation = '4W', enable = true, removed = false, },
@ -106,8 +106,11 @@ local options = {
set = function(info, value)
if core:VerifyInstance(value) then
db.profile.instances[value] = { }
db.profile.instances[value].abbreviation = ''
db.profile.instances[value].enable = true
db.profile.instances[value].removed = false
print('Invalid instance')
@ -213,38 +216,7 @@ function core:OnEnable()
-- Setup instance stuff for options
local i = 1
for instance, abbreviation in pairs(db.profile.instances) do
options.args.instances.args[instance .. 'Enable'] = {
type = 'toggle',
name = instance,
order = 4 * i,
get = function(info) return db.profile.instances[instance].enable end,
set = function(info, value) db.profile.instances[instance].enable = value end,
options.args.instances.args[instance] = {
type = 'input',
name = '',
order = 4 * i + 1,
width = 'half',
get = function(info) return db.profile.instances[instance].abbreviation end,
set = function(info, value) db.profile.instances[instance].abbreviation = value end,
options.args.instances.args[instance .. 'Remove'] = {
type = 'execute',
name = 'Remove',
order = 4 * i + 2,
width = 'half',
confirm = true,
func = function(info) db.profile.instances[instance] = nil end,
options.args.instances.args[instance .. 'Spacer'] = {
type = 'description',
name = '',
order = 4 * i + 3,
i = i + 1
-- Add options to Interface Panel
LibStub('AceConfigRegistry-3.0'):RegisterOptionsTable('ChoreTracker', options)
@ -288,6 +260,49 @@ end
--[[ FUNCTIONS ]]--
function core:DrawInstanceOptions()
local i = 1
for instance, abbreviation in pairs(db.profile.instances) do
if db.profile.instances[instance].removed == false then
options.args.instances.args[instance .. 'Enable'] = {
type = 'toggle',
name = instance,
order = 4 * i,
get = function(info) return db.profile.instances[instance].enable end,
set = function(info, value)
db.profile.instances[instance].enable = value
options.args.instances.args[instance] = {
type = 'input',
name = '',
order = 4 * i + 1,
width = 'half',
get = function(info) return db.profile.instances[instance].abbreviation end,
set = function(info, value) db.profile.instances[instance].abbreviation = value end,
options.args.instances.args[instance .. 'Remove'] = {
type = 'execute',
name = 'Remove',
order = 4 * i + 2,
width = 'half',
confirm = true,
func = function()
db.profile.instances[instance].removed = true
options.args.instances.args[instance .. 'Spacer'] = {
type = 'description',
name = '',
order = 4 * i + 3,
i = i + 1
function core:UpdateChores()
-- Reset data if necessary
@ -508,7 +523,7 @@ function core:DrawTooltip()
tooltip:SetCell(1, 2, 'VP')
local nextColumn = 3
for instance,instanceInfo in pairs(db.profile.instances) do
if db.profile.instances[instance].enable == true then
if db.profile.instances[instance].enable == true and db.profile.instances[instance].removed == false then
tooltip:SetCell(1, nextColumn, instanceInfo.abbreviation, nil, 'CENTER')
nextColumn = nextColumn + 1
@ -528,7 +543,7 @@ function core:DrawTooltip()
local nextColumn = 3
for instance, abbreviation in pairs(db.profile.instances) do
if db.profile.instances[instance].enable == true then
if db.profile.instances[instance].enable == true and db.profile.instances[instance].removed == false then
local instanceColor
if information[instance] == 0 then
instanceColor = flagColors['green']