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Update TOC and libraries for patch 7.3
Add "Use Raid-Style Party Frames" to option
Get back to this addon after a while. Will improve it when I have time.
Change how AceOptionTable is embeded in the code.
Change the style of dialog.
No longer reload the user interface automatically when the the option panel is closed if any changes are made, a dialog is shown instead.
Fix an issue that overwrites the description of other addons
that uses AceDBOptions.
Important update that should fix the frame taint issue (i.e. chat print "Interface failed because of addons" during combat and raid frame becomes unclickable)
Now when two characters share the same addon profile and you change the raid frame in one character, then when you log into the other character,
the addon requests to reload ui. The UI is reloaded automatically when changing addon profiles or change the frame through
the addon. This is to avoid taint.
The option to show raid frame when solo has been removed because I cant find a way to avoid taint with that option.
Fix a LUA error
You can now precisely adjust the position and size of the raid frame by entering numbers in the option panel.
When the option panel is opened, the raid frame is always shown even if you are solo to help you adjust it.
Add an extra option not available in the default raid profile settings that show raid frame when you are solo.
Small bug fix
Delay Profile switch/reset until end of combat.
Add Option panel to manage profile. Use /awrp or game menu to access options.
You can now share raid profile settings across characters any way you want, not only limited to fully account-wide.
Change to beta. No real changes.
First alpha version.