var BOT_WORKER_MONEY = 1; var BOT_SLIME_MONEY = 10; var CHAT_LIMIT = 150; var SAFE_SOLDIER_COUNT = 50000000; var botLoop; var botGlobalBossTimer; var botPurchasingTimer; var botPaused = true; var botPurchasing = false; var botDropping = false; var botSleeping = false; var botRaiding = false; var botFightingRandomBoss = false; var botFightingGlobalBoss = false; var botBuySlimes = false; var botBuyWorkers = true; var botFightGlobal = true; var botFightRandom = true; var botSpendBossCoins = true; var botChatClear = true; var botSaveSpears = false; var botRaidTarget = null; var botLastRandom = 0; var botLastRaid = 0; var botLastPurchase = 0; var botUser = null; function mainLoop() { if($('#popup').is(':visible')) { var botPopupTitle = $('#popup p[name="title"]').text(); switch(botPopupTitle) { case 'Raid report': var botMessage = botBuildRaidReport($('#popup div[name="content"]').text()); console.log(botMessage); botLastRaid = botTimestamp(); clickButton('CONTINUE'); break; case 'SUMMON BOSS': clickButton('Summon Boss'); botLastRandom = botTimestamp(); break; case 'Are you sure?': if(botDropping) { clickButton('Drop Item'); setTimeout(function() { botDropping = false; }, 2000); } else { clickButton('Activate Item'); } break; case 'ARE YOU SURE?': case 'CONFIRM PURCHASE': if(botPurchasing) { clickButton('Yes'); botPurchasing = false; } else { clickButton('No'); } break; case 'Raid': if(haveRaidTarget() === true) { if(botRaiding) { clickButton('Raid!'); botRaiding = false; } else { clickButton('Nevermind'); } } break; case 'CONFIRM': if(botPurchasing) { clickButton('Yes'); botPurchasing = false; } break; case 'WHOOPS!': case 'BATTLE REPORT': case 'Battle Report': case 'ACTIVITY PASSED!': case 'SCENARIO #1': case 'Lobby closed': case 'Wait': case 'ACTIVITY FAILED!': case 'Game in progress': case 'User not found': clickButton('CONTINUE'); break; default: console.log('Unknown popup: ' + botPopupTitle); break; } } else { //RANDOM BOSS if(randomBossRefreshing() === true && botFightingRandomBoss === true && botFightingGlobalBoss === false) { botFightingRandomBoss = false; } else if(randomBossRefreshing() === false && botFightingRandomBoss === false && botFightRandom === true && haveSoldiers() === true) { clickSelector('#randomBossPortal a'); botFightingRandomBoss = true; } else if(botTimestamp() > botLastRandom + 180 && botFightRandom === true && haveSoldiers() === true) { clickSelector('#randomBossPortal a'); botFightingRandomBoss = true; } //RANDOM BOSS MOBS if(haveSlimes(SAFE_SOLDIER_COUNT) === false && botFightRandom === true && botPurchasing === false) { setBotToPurchasing(); clickSelector('button[name="buyx-knight"]'); botFillIn('input[name="x_amount"]', SAFE_SOLDIER_COUNT); clickButton("Buy"); } if(haveCreepers(SAFE_SOLDIER_COUNT) === false && botFightRandom === true && botPurchasing === false) { setBotToPurchasing(); clickSelector('button[name="buyx-advknight"]'); botFillIn('input[name="x_amount"]', SAFE_SOLDIER_COUNT); clickButton("Buy"); } //GLOBAL BOSS if(globalBossRefreshing() === true && botFightingGlobalBoss === true) { clearInterval(botGlobalBossTimer); botFightingGlobalBoss = false; } else if(globalBossRefreshing() === false && botFightingGlobalBoss === false && botFightGlobal === true) { clickSelector('span[name="timeRemaining"]:contains("JOIN") a'); botGlobalBossTimer = setInterval(fightGlobalBoss, 250); botFightingGlobalBoss = true; } //ACTIVATE BUFFS if(inactiveBuffs() && !botDropping) { activateBuffs(); } //RAID if(raidRefreshing() === false && haveRaidTarget() === true && internalRaidRefreshing() === false) { clickSelector('button[name="raid_button"]'); botFillIn('input[name="raid_user"]', botRaidTarget); botRaiding = true; } //PURCHASES if(botTimestamp() > botLastPurchase + 5 && botPurchasing === true) { botPurchasing = false; } //BUY SCIENTISTS if(haveBossCoins(1) === true && haveCheapLabor() === true && botPurchasing === false && haveMaxWorker('capturedminion') && botSpendBossCoins === true) { setBotToPurchasing(); clickSelector('button[name="hiremax_scientists"]'); } //BUY SLIMES if(botBuySlimes === true && haveTrillions(BOT_SLIME_MONEY) === true && botPurchasing === false) { setBotToPurchasing(); clickSelector('button[name="buymax-knight"]'); } //BUY WORKERS if(botBuyWorkers === true && haveTrillions(BOT_WORKER_MONEY) === true && haveCheapLabor() === true && botPurchasing === false) { setBotToPurchasing(); clickSelector('button[name="buymax-' + mostEfficientWorker() + '"]'); } if(botBuyWorkers === true && haveCheapLabor() === true && botPurchasing === false && haveBossCoins(9) === true && botSpendBossCoins === true) { setBotToPurchasing(); clickSelector('button[name="buymax-capturedminion"]'); } } //CLEAR CHAT if(haveChatLines(CHAT_LIMIT) === true && botChatClear === true) { $('#chatbox div:lt(' + Math.ceil(CHAT_LIMIT * .2) + ')').remove(); } } botDetectUser(); botToggle(); function activateBuffs() { $('div[name="items_holder"]').children().each(function() { var itemHolder = $(this); if(itemHolder.attr('item') != 'map') { if(itemHolder.attr('item') != 'godspear_fragment' || botSaveSpears === false || haveMaxItems()) { var itemButton = itemHolder.find('button:contains("Activate")'); if(itemButton.length > 0) { itemButton.get(0).click() } } } else { var itemButton = itemHolder.find('button:contains("Drop")'); itemButton.get(0).click(); botDropping = true; } }); } function haveMaxItems() { return convertToNumber($('span[name="item_count"').text().split('/')[0]) >= 17; } function setBotToPurchasing() { botPurchasing = true; botLastPurchase = botTimestamp(); } function haveSlimes(value) { return convertToNumber($('tr[name="knight"] span[name="owned"]').text()) >= value; } function haveCreepers(value) { return convertToNumber($('tr[name="advknight"] span[name="owned"]').text()) >= value; } function haveChatLines(value) { if($('#chatbox').children().length > value) { return true; } else { return false; } } function haveMaxWorker(type) { var worker = $('tr[name="' + type + '"]').find('span[name="owned"]').text(); worker = worker.replace(/\s+/g, ''); var workerArray = worker.split('/'); return convertToNumber(workerArray[0]) == convertToNumber(workerArray[1]); } function botDetectUser() { botUser = $('#playerName').text(); } function botSendChat(message) { botFillIn('#chat_msg', message); var e = jQuery.Event("keypress"); e.which = 13; e.keyCode = 13; $("#chat_msg").trigger(e); } function mostEfficientWorker() { var bestValueWorker; var bestValue; $('table[name="workers"] > tbody').children().each(function() { var workersTable = $(this); if('[name]') && workersTable.attr('name') != 'capturedminion' && workersTable.attr('name') != 'gb_capturedminion') { var price = convertToNumber(workersTable.find('span[name="price"]').text()); var opm = convertToNumber(workersTable.find('span[name="opm"]').text()); var value = opm / price; if(bestValueWorker == null || bestValue < value && haveMaxWorker(workersTable.attr('name')) === false) { bestValueWorker = workersTable.attr('name'); bestValue = value; } } }); return bestValueWorker; } function internalRaidRefreshing() { if(botTimestamp() > botLastRaid + 300) { return false; } else { return true; } } function haveSoldiers() { return haveSlimes(1) && haveCreepers(1); } function chatMonitor() { $('#chatbox, #groupchatbox').bind('DOMSubtreeModified', function() { var lastMessage = $(this).find('.chat-message').last(); if(chatIsPM(lastMessage) || chatHasName(lastMessage)) { var user = lastMessage.find('.username').text().trim(); var content = lastMessage.find('.message').text().trim(); console.log('CHAT (' + user + '): ' + content); } }); } function chatIsPM(message) { return message.find('.chat-pm').length > 0; } function chatHasName(message) { if(botUser == null) { return false; } var string = message.find('.message').text(); return (new RegExp('\\b' + botUser + '\\b')).test(string); } function botTimestamp() { return Math.floor( / 1000); } function botFillIn(selector, text) { $(selector).val(text); } function raidRefreshing() { if($('span[name="raidtime"]').css('display') == 'none') { return false; } else { return true; } } function haveRaidTarget() { if(botRaidTarget == null) { return false; } else { return true; } } function botBuildRaidReport(message) { var botAttacker, botDefender; var botRaidUser; if(/You.? were raided by (.*?).? /.exec(message)) { botRaidUser = /You.? were raided by (.*?).? /.exec(message)[1]; botAttacker = botRaidUser; botDefender = botUser; } else { botRaidUser = /You .*? the raid against (.*?)! /.exec(message)[1]; botAttacker = botUser; botDefender = botRaidUser; } var botRaidSoldiers = /! .*? lost (.*?) soldiers/.exec(message)[1]; var botRaidResult = (/won/.exec(message) !== null) ? 'won' : 'lost'; var botRaidStolen = (/steal (.*?) from/.exec(message) !== null) ? /steal (.*?) from/.exec(message)[1] : '$0'; var botStolen = (botRaidResult == 'won') ? botRaidStolen : '-' + botRaidStolen; $.post('', { raid: { attacker: botAttacker, defender: botDefender, soldiers: botRaidSoldiers, money: botStolen}}); return "RAIDED (" + botRaidUser + "): " + botRaidResult + "; soldiers: -" + botRaidSoldiers + "; " + botRaidResult + " money: " + botRaidStolen; } function haveTrillions(number) { if(convertToNumber($('#money_display').text()) > trillions(number)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function convertToNumber(string) { if(string.indexOf('M') > -1) { return Number(string.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, '')) * 1000000; } else if(string.indexOf('B') > -1) { return Number(string.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, '')) * 1000000000; } else if(string.indexOf('T') > -1) { return Number(string.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, '')) * 1000000000000; } else { return Number(string.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, '')); } } function trillions(number) { return number * 1000000000000; } function haveBossCoins(value) { if(convertToNumber($('#bc_display').text()) >= value) { return true; } else { return false; } } function haveCheapLabor() { if($('span[name="scientists_price"]').text() == "1 BC") { return true; } else { return false; } } function inactiveBuffs() { if($('button:contains("Activate")').length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function randomBossRefreshing() { if($('span[name="timer"]').is(':visible')) { return true; } else { return false; } } function globalBossRefreshing() { if($('span[name="timeRemaining"]:contains("min"), span[name="timeRemaining"]:contains("sec")').length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function fightGlobalBoss() { if($('img[name="globalBossImg"]').is(':visible')) { $('img[name="globalBossImg"]').get(0).click(); } } function clickButton(text) { $('#popup span button:contains("' + text + '")').get(0).click(); } function clickSelector(selector) { $(selector).get(0).click(); } function botSetTarget(username) { botRaidTarget = username; } function botClearTarget() { botRaidTarget = null; } function botToggle() { if(botPaused) { console.log('Playing bot'); botLoop = setInterval(mainLoop, 1000); botPaused = false; } else { console.log('Pausing bot'); clearInterval(botLoop); botPaused = true; } } function botToggleSlimes() { if(botBuySlimes) { console.log('Stopping slime purchases'); botBuySlimes = false; } else { console.log('Starting slime purchases'); botBuySlimes = true; } } function botToggleWorkers() { if(botBuyWorkers) { console.log('Stopping worker purchases'); botBuyWorkers = false; } else { console.log('Starting worker purchases'); botBuyWorkers = true; } } function botToggleGlobal() { if(botFightGlobal) { console.log('Stopping global fighting'); botFightGlobal = false; } else { console.log('Starting global fighting'); botFightGlobal = true; } } function botToggleRandom() { if(botFightRandom) { console.log('Stopping random fighting'); botFightRandom = false; } else { console.log('Starting random fighting'); botFightRandom = true; } } function botToggleUI() { clickSelector('a[name="portal"]'); clickSelector('button[name="vault_hide"]'); $('a[name="bossPortal"] > img').toggle(); } function botToggleSleep() { if(botSleeping) { console.log('Stopping sleep mode'); botFightRandom = true; botFightGlobal = true; botSleeping = false; } else { console.log('Starting sleep mode'); botFightRandom = false; botFightGlobal = false; botBuySlimes = false; botSleeping = true; } } function botToggleChatClear() { if(botChatClear) { console.log('Stopping chat clearing'); botChatClear = false; } else { console.log('Starting chat clearing'); botChatClear = true; } } function botToggleBossCoins() { if(botSpendBossCoins) { console.log('Stopping spending boss coins'); botSpendBossCoins = false; } else { console.log('Starting spending boss coins'); botSpendBossCoins = true; } } function botToggleSaveSpears() { if(botSaveSpears) { console.log('Stopping saving spears'); botSaveSpears = false; } else { console.log('Starting saving spears'); botSaveSpears = true; } } function botHelp() { console.log('bt(): Toggle for the entire bot.'); console.log('bs(): Toggle "sleep mode." Disables all actions, but logs raids and chat.'); console.log('bts(): Toggle auto-slime purchasing.'); console.log('btw(): Toggle auto-worker purchasing (detects most efficient).'); console.log('btu(): Toggle the UI (probably only works once).'); console.log('btg(): Toggle the global boss.'); console.log('btr(): Toggle the random boss.'); console.log('btc(): Toggle the chat clear.'); console.log('btb(): Toggle boss coins spending.'); console.log('bta(): Toggle saving of spears.'); console.log('bst("username"): Set a target to raid every 5 minutes.'); console.log('bct(): Clear the raid target.'); } function bt() { botToggle(); } function bs() { botToggleSleep(); } function bts() { botToggleSlimes(); } function btw() { botToggleWorkers(); } function btu() { botToggleUI(); } function btg() { botToggleGlobal(); } function btr() { botToggleRandom(); } function btc() { botToggleChatClear(); } function btb() { botToggleBossCoins(); } function bta() { botToggleSaveSpears(); } function bst(username) { botSetTarget(username); } function bct() { botClearTarget(); }