#!/bin/sh # Make sure all our local dependencies are available. set -e # FIX: only sudo if gem home isn't writable (/usr/bin/gem list -i bundler -v '~> 1.3.0' > /dev/null) || { /usr/bin/sudo -p "Need to install Bundler for system ruby, password for sudo: " \ /usr/bin/gem install bundler -v '~> 1.3.0' --no-rdoc --no-ri } # We don't want old config hanging around. rm -rf .bundle/config rm -rf .librarian/puppet/config # Put xcrun shim on PATH if on MoLo set +e OSX_VERSION_CHECK=`sw_vers | grep ProductVersion | cut -f 2 -d ':' | egrep '10\.8'` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then export PATH=$(pwd)/vendor/shims:$PATH fi set -e # Bundle install unless we're already up to date. /usr/bin/bundle install --binstubs bin --path .bundle --quiet "$@" # Fix the binstubs to use system ruby find bin -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' 's|/usr/bin/env ruby|/usr/bin/ruby|g'