#!/usr/bin/ruby # Provide git credentials using Boxen's config. unless command = ARGV.shift this = File.basename $0 abort "Usage: #{this} " end # We only support get. exit 0 unless command == "get" # Make sure we're looking for github.com stuff. attrs = Hash[$stdin.read.split($/).map { |l| l.split("=") }] exit 1 unless attrs["host"] == "github.com" require "pathname" # Put us where we belong, in the root dir of our boxen repo. Dir.chdir Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath + "../.." # Set up our local configuration, deps, and load path. load "config/basic.rb" require "boxen/config" config = Boxen::Config.load puts "username=#{config.login}" puts "password=#{config.password}"