# Project Manifests Project manifests live in `modules/projects/manifests/$project.pp`. A simple project manifest example: ```puppet class projects::trollin { include icu4c include phantomjs boxen::project { 'trollin': dotenv => true, elasticsearch => true, mysql => true, nginx => true, redis => true, ruby => '1.9.3', source => 'boxen/trollin' } } ``` With the above, as long as our app is configured to listen on a **socket** at `"#{ENV['BOXEN_SOCKET_DIR']}"/trollin`, you'll now be able to run its local server and visit http://trollin.dev/ to access the app in dev. For further documentation on how to use the `boxen::project` type, take a look at the documentation in the [source](https://github.com/boxen/puppet-boxen/blob/master/manifests/project.pp#L1-L46).