#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Net::Ping; use POSIX; use Socket; use Switch; use Time::HiRes qw/time/; if($> != 0) { die("pinger must be run as root\n"); } my %switches; my $alive = 1; my $time = 0; my $name = 0; my($start,$finish); my $status = getopts('drnth', \%switches); help() if(!$status || $switches{'h'}); for (keys %switches) { switch($_) { case 'd' { $alive = 0; } case 'r' { $alive = 1; } case 'n' { $name = 1; } case 't' { $time = 1; } else {} } } if(scalar(@ARGV) < 1 || scalar(@ARGV) > 2) { die("Usage: pinger START_IP [END_IP]\n"); } $start = time if($time); my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp'); my @ips; # must be IP addresses if($ARGV[0] !~ /((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})/ || (defined($ARGV[1]) && $ARGV[1] !~ /((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})/)) { die("Both arguments must be IP addresses if two are specified.\n"); } # and only the final octet should differ my @ip1 = split(/\./, $ARGV[0]); my @ip2; if(scalar(@ARGV) == 2) { @ip2 = split(/\./, $ARGV[1]); } else { @ip2 = @ip1; } if($ip1[0] != $ip2[0] || $ip1[1] != $ip2[1] || $ip1[2] != $ip2[2]) { die("The first three octets of the IP addresses must match.\n") } my $baseIp = $ip1[0] . '.' . $ip1[1] . '.' . $ip1[2]; my $start = $ip1[3]; my $end = $ip2[3]; my $count = $ip2[3] - $ip1[3] + 1; for(my $i = $start, my $k = 1; $i <= $end; $i++, $k++) { $| = 1; progressBar($k, $count); my $ip = $baseIp . '.' . $i; if($p->ping($ip, 1) == $alive) { if($name) { my $hostaddr = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($ip), AF_INET); $ip = $hostaddr if($hostaddr ne ""); } push(@ips, $ip); } } $p->close(); $finish = time if($time); print "\n"; ($alive) ? print "Reachable:\n" : print "Dead:\n"; print join(", ", @ips); print "\n\n"; if($time) { my $completed = $finish - $start; printf("Completed in %.2f seconds.\n", $completed); } # details from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1782107/how-do-i-retrieve-the-terminal-width-in-perl sub findTerminalWidth { my($winsize, $row, $col, $xpixel, $ypixel); my $available = 1; require 'sys/ioctl.ph'; $available = 0 unless defined &TIOCGWINSZ; open(TTY, "+ 0) { print "] ["; for(my $i = 1; $i < $barWidth; $i++) { ($i <= $barPercent) ? print '=' : print ' '; } } print "]\r"; } sub help { print "usage:\t pinger [-d] start [finish]\n\n"; print "\t-d\t\tList dead addresses\n"; print "\t-n\t\tReturn list as hostnames when possible\n"; print "\t-r\t\tList reachable addresses (default)\n"; print "\t-t\t\tTime ping execution\n"; exit(1); }