# Intro to Vim ## Intro to Vim ## Why I use Vim * Was using too many tools * Sublime Text 2 for editing * Putty for SSH * git bash for git * Cygwin for Rubt commands * Can mostly be done in ST2, but with time invested. Restart with Vim * "nerd cred" * More importantly, server administration * Vim (or vi) works **everywhere**, no matter how broken the machine is * (emacs does not) * Repetitive Strain injury - vim helps enforce better habbits * After 20 years, people are still using it * You have to decide what works for you ## Everyone's first Vim session * Bash.org joke ## But how can we avoid this * vimtutor - 30-45 minutes is enough to gain usability * VIM Adventures - game that finally pushed me into learning * Cheat Sheet - I still keep one printed off on a wall * Focus on a small set - I picked five that I wrote down and learned each week * and still do from time to time ## You will still struggle * Some of the things I struggled with * Copy and paste - very different idea, more later (and more advanced) * Not using a mouse - if you don't plan on this, Vim is not for you * Getting to the end of the line example * I used shift+A instead of $ for months ## Vim has modes * In the early days, all editors had modes. By programmers, for programers. * Mid-1970s, Larry Tesler came up with the concept of modeless editors. * But a lot of power in favor of this ease of use. ## You can move around * Focus on home row. h, l to go left and right, j, k to go up and down * Arrow keys are bad. Require awkward hand movements. * Variants can get you around the screen faster. * Screen: H, M, L * Document: gg, G, :50 ## And do things * insert is a complete mode switch to let you type text, leave with * delete, change, yank act on things * All of them put affected text into a place that can be pasted from ## On objects * Everything is an object in Vim. * Learning to utilize these is the key to effective vim use ## That can be modified * inside - excludes the surrounding part of the object * around - includes the surrounding part of the object * till - from cursor to the specific character * find - the same as till except for including the specific character ## And finally combined into a language * das - includes the spaces. dis would not include the space after # Example stuff TBD # Other Talks * Ben Orenstein - one of my favorite speakers. more intermediate than beginner * Note comment on saving keystrokes * Damian Conway - More advanced and neat plugins * Chris Hunt - Shows basics of using Vim in combination with Tmux * I do this # Other * Slides along with sample configuration available on Github