///#source 1 1 /src/1.0.0/core.js /*! head.core - v1.0.2 */ /* * HeadJS The only script in your * Author Tero Piirainen (tipiirai) * Maintainer Robert Hoffmann (itechnology) * License MIT / http://bit.ly/mit-license * WebSite http://headjs.com */ (function(win, undefined) { "use strict"; // gt, gte, lt, lte, eq breakpoints would have been more simple to write as ['gt','gte','lt','lte','eq'] // but then we would have had to loop over the collection on each resize() event, // a simple object with a direct access to true/false is therefore much more efficient var doc = win.document, nav = win.navigator, loc = win.location, html = doc.documentElement, klass = [], conf = { screens : [240, 320, 480, 640, 768, 800, 1024, 1280, 1440, 1680, 1920], screensCss: { "gt": true, "gte": false, "lt": true, "lte": false, "eq": false }, browsers : [ { ie: { min: 6, max: 11 } } //,{ chrome : { min: 8, max: 33 } } //,{ ff : { min: 3, max: 26 } } //,{ ios : { min: 3, max: 7 } } //,{ android: { min: 2, max: 4 } } //,{ webkit : { min: 9, max: 12 } } //,{ opera : { min: 9, max: 12 } } ], browserCss: { "gt": true, "gte": false, "lt": true, "lte": false, "eq": true }, html5 : true, page : "-page", section : "-section", head : "head" }; if (win.head_conf) { for (var item in win.head_conf) { if (win.head_conf[item] !== undefined) { conf[item] = win.head_conf[item]; } } } function pushClass(name) { klass[klass.length] = name; } function removeClass(name) { // need to test for both space and no space // https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/270 // https://github.com/headjs/headjs/issues/226 var re = new RegExp(" ?\\b" + name + "\\b"); html.className = html.className.replace(re, ""); } function each(arr, fn) { for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { fn.call(arr, arr[i], i); } } // API var api = win[conf.head] = function() { api.ready.apply(null, arguments); }; api.feature = function(key, enabled, queue) { // internal: apply all classes if (!key) { html.className += " " + klass.join(" "); klass = []; return api; } if (Object.prototype.toString.call(enabled) === "[object Function]") { enabled = enabled.call(); } pushClass((enabled ? "" : "no-") + key); api[key] = !!enabled; // apply class to HTML element if (!queue) { removeClass("no-" + key); removeClass(key); api.feature(); } return api; }; // no queue here, so we can remove any eventual pre-existing no-js class api.feature("js", true); // browser type & version var ua = nav.userAgent.toLowerCase(), mobile = /mobile|android|kindle|silk|midp|phone|(windows .+arm|touch)/.test(ua); // useful for enabling/disabling feature (we can consider a desktop navigator to have more cpu/gpu power) api.feature("mobile" , mobile , true); api.feature("desktop", !mobile, true); // http://www.zytrax.com/tech/web/browser_ids.htm // http://www.zytrax.com/tech/web/mobile_ids.html ua = /(chrome|firefox)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || // Chrome & Firefox /(iphone|ipad|ipod)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || // Mobile IOS /(android)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || // Mobile Webkit /(webkit|opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || // Safari & Opera /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(trident).+rv:(\w.)+/.exec(ua) || []; var browser = ua[1], version = parseFloat(ua[2]); switch (browser) { case "msie": case "trident": browser = "ie"; version = doc.documentMode || version; break; case "firefox": browser = "ff"; break; case "ipod": case "ipad": case "iphone": browser = "ios"; break; case "webkit": browser = "safari"; break; } // Browser vendor and version api.browser = { name: browser, version: version }; api.browser[browser] = true; for (var i = 0, l = conf.browsers.length; i < l; i++) { for (var key in conf.browsers[i]) { if (browser === key) { pushClass(key); var min = conf.browsers[i][key].min; var max = conf.browsers[i][key].max; for (var v = min; v <= max; v++) { if (version > v) { if (conf.browserCss.gt) { pushClass("gt-" + key + v); } if (conf.browserCss.gte) { pushClass("gte-" + key + v); } } else if (version < v) { if (conf.browserCss.lt) { pushClass("lt-" + key + v); } if (conf.browserCss.lte) { pushClass("lte-" + key + v); } } else if (version === v) { if (conf.browserCss.lte) { pushClass("lte-" + key + v); } if (conf.browserCss.eq) { pushClass("eq-" + key + v); } if (conf.browserCss.gte) { pushClass("gte-" + key + v); } } } } else { pushClass("no-" + key); } } } pushClass(browser); pushClass(browser + parseInt(version, 10)); // IE lt9 specific if (conf.html5 && browser === "ie" && version < 9) { // HTML5 support : you still need to add html5 css initialization styles to your site // See: assets/html5.css each("abbr|article|aside|audio|canvas|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|main|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video".split("|"), function(el) { doc.createElement(el); }); } // CSS "router" each(loc.pathname.split("/"), function(el, i) { if (this.length > 2 && this[i + 1] !== undefined) { if (i) { pushClass(this.slice(i, i + 1).join("-").toLowerCase() + conf.section); } } else { // pageId var id = el || "index", index = id.indexOf("."); if (index > 0) { id = id.substring(0, index); } html.id = id.toLowerCase() + conf.page; // on root? if (!i) { pushClass("root" + conf.section); } } }); // basic screen info api.screen = { height: win.screen.height, width : win.screen.width }; // viewport resolutions: w-100, lt-480, lt-1024 ... function screenSize() { // remove earlier sizes html.className = html.className.replace(/ (w-|eq-|gt-|gte-|lt-|lte-|portrait|no-portrait|landscape|no-landscape)\d+/g, ""); // Viewport width var iw = win.innerWidth || html.clientWidth, ow = win.outerWidth || win.screen.width; api.screen.innerWidth = iw; api.screen.outerWidth = ow; // for debugging purposes, not really useful for anything else pushClass("w-" + iw); each(conf.screens, function(width) { if (iw > width) { if (conf.screensCss.gt) { pushClass("gt-" + width); } if (conf.screensCss.gte) { pushClass("gte-" + width); } } else if (iw < width) { if (conf.screensCss.lt) { pushClass("lt-" + width); } if (conf.screensCss.lte) { pushClass("lte-" + width); } } else if (iw === width) { if (conf.screensCss.lte) { pushClass("lte-" + width); } if (conf.screensCss.eq) { pushClass("e-q" + width); } if (conf.screensCss.gte) { pushClass("gte-" + width); } } }); // Viewport height var ih = win.innerHeight || html.clientHeight, oh = win.outerHeight || win.screen.height; api.screen.innerHeight = ih; api.screen.outerHeight = oh; // no need for onChange event to detect this api.feature("portrait" , (ih > iw)); api.feature("landscape", (ih < iw)); } screenSize(); // Throttle navigators from triggering too many resize events var resizeId = 0; function onResize() { win.clearTimeout(resizeId); resizeId = win.setTimeout(screenSize, 50); } // Manually attach, as to not overwrite existing handler if (win.addEventListener) { win.addEventListener("resize", onResize, false); } else { // IE8 and less win.attachEvent("onresize", onResize); } }(window));