module.exports = function (grunt) { 'use strict'; require('matchdep').filterDev('grunt-*').forEach(grunt.loadNpmTasks); // Project configuration grunt.initConfig({ replace: { hljs: { src: ['bower_components/highlightjs/styles/*.css'], dest: 'styles/', replacements: [{ from: '.hljs-', to: '.' }, { from: '.hljs', to: 'pre code' },{ from: /^\./mg, to: 'pre .' }] } }, bump: { options: { files: [ 'package.json', 'bower.json', '' ], updateConfigs: [], commit: true, commitMessage: 'Release v%VERSION% #noissue', commitFiles: ['-a'], // '-a' for all files createTag: true, tagName: '%VERSION%', tagMessage: 'Version %VERSION%', push: true, pushTo: 'origin master', gitDescribeOptions: '--tags --always --abbrev=1 --dirty=-d' // options to use with '$ git describe' } } }); // Default task grunt.registerTask('build', [ 'replace:hljs' ]); grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'build' ]); grunt.registerTask('release', [ 'build', 'bump' ]); };