" --- Options ---------------------------------------------------------------{{{ set nocompatible " Disable vi compatability set ffs=unix,dos " File format prefer unix endings set eol " Add newline at end of file set shellslash " Use forward slashes for file names set nobk " Do not use backup files set formatoptions=crq " Format options: wrap (c)omments at textwidth, insert comment leade(r), and unknown set textwidth=80 " 80 characters wide set laststatus=2 " Always use status line set ch=2 " Command line two lines high set wildmenu " Command line completion helper set showmode " Display current mode if exists("&wildignorecase") " Windows gvim does not have this (it's automatic) set wildignorecase " Ignore case when tab-completing files endif set scrolloff=8 " Always keep cursor 8 lines from edge set backspace=2 " Allow backspace over indent, eol, and start of insert set hlsearch " Search highlights set incsearch " Search as you type set ignorecase " Search will ignore case set smartcase " Search will respect case if any letter is uppercase set hls " Highlight search syntax on " Turn on syntax highlighting " Tabstops are 2 spaces set tabstop=2 set softtabstop=2 set shiftwidth=2 set expandtab " Set the status line set stl=%f\ %m\ %r\ Line:\ %l/%L[%p%%]\ Col:\ %c\ Buf:\ #%n\ [%b][0x%B] " Filetype specific stuff filetype on filetype plugin on filetype indent on " --- }}} " --- Style and font --------------------------------------------------------{{{ colorscheme vividchalk if has("gui_gtk2") set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono\ 10 else set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono:h10 endif " --- }}} " --- Plugin config ---------------------------------------------------------{{{ " --- }}}