# Generated on 2016-03-08 using generator-reveal 0.5.8 module.exports = (grunt) -> grunt.initConfig pkg: grunt.file.readJSON 'package.json' watch: livereload: options: livereload: true files: [ 'index.html' 'slides/{,*/}*.{md,html}' 'js/*.js' 'css/*.css' 'resources/**' ] index: files: [ 'templates/_index.html' 'templates/_section.html' 'slides/list.json' ] tasks: ['buildIndex'] coffeelint: files: ['Gruntfile.coffee'] tasks: ['coffeelint'] jshint: files: ['js/*.js'] tasks: ['jshint'] sass: files: ['css/source/theme.scss'] tasks: ['sass'] sass: theme: files: 'css/theme.css': 'css/source/theme.scss' connect: livereload: options: port: 9000 # Change hostname to '' to access # the server from outside. hostname: 'localhost' base: '.' open: true livereload: true coffeelint: options: indentation: value: 4 max_line_length: level: 'ignore' all: ['Gruntfile.coffee'] jshint: options: jshintrc: '.jshintrc' all: ['js/*.js'] copy: dist: files: [{ expand: true src: [ 'slides/**' 'bower_components/**' 'js/**' 'css/*.css' 'resources/**' ] dest: 'dist/' },{ expand: true src: ['index.html'] dest: 'dist/' filter: 'isFile' }] buildcontrol: options: dir: 'dist' commit: true push: true message: 'Built from %sourceCommit% on branch %sourceBranch%' pages: options: remote: '<%= pkg.repository.url %>' branch: 'gh-pages' # Load all grunt tasks. require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt) grunt.registerTask 'buildIndex', 'Build index.html from templates/_index.html and slides/list.json.', -> indexTemplate = grunt.file.read 'templates/_index.html' sectionTemplate = grunt.file.read 'templates/_section.html' slides = grunt.file.readJSON 'slides/list.json' html = grunt.template.process indexTemplate, data: slides: slides section: (slide) -> grunt.template.process sectionTemplate, data: slide: slide grunt.file.write 'index.html', html grunt.registerTask 'test', '*Lint* javascript and coffee files.', [ 'coffeelint' 'jshint' ] grunt.registerTask 'serve', 'Run presentation locally and start watch process (living document).', [ 'buildIndex' 'sass' 'connect:livereload' 'watch' ] grunt.registerTask 'dist', 'Save presentation files to *dist* directory.', [ 'test' 'sass' 'buildIndex' 'copy' ] grunt.registerTask 'deploy', 'Deploy to Github Pages', [ 'dist' 'buildcontrol' ] # Define default task. grunt.registerTask 'default', [ 'test' 'serve' ]