300, 'github' => 300, 'hulu' => 600, 'lastfm' => 60, 'sc2ranks' => 43200, 'steam' => 3600, ); $cacheData = json_decode(file_get_contents($CACHE_FILE),true); $sourceData = json_decode(file_get_contents($DATA_FILE),true); foreach($dataSources as $dataSource=>$refreshTime) { // check last time the data was updated $lastModified = (array_key_exists($dataSource, $cacheData)) ? $cacheData[$dataSource] : 0; // and see if we need to retrieve new information if(time() - $lastModified > $refreshTime) { $cacheData[$dataSource] = time(); $sourceData[$dataSource] = call_user_func($dataSource); } } file_put_contents($CACHE_FILE,json_encode($cacheData)); file_put_contents($DATA_FILE,json_encode($sourceData)); //***************************************************************************// // Data sources //***************************************************************************// function twitter() { $url = 'http://www.twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/atomaka.json?count=1'; $tweetInfo = json_decode(file_get_contents($url)); if(empty($tweetInfo)) { return array( 'text' => 'Last post was a retweet and cannot be listed.', 'timeSince' => 0, ); } else { $tweet = urlify($tweetInfo->text); $timeSince = ($tweetInfo->created_at != 0) ? time_since(strtotime($tweetInfo->created_at)) : 0; return array( 'text' => $tweet, 'timeSince' => $timeSince, ); } } function github() { // get the last repo we worked on $url = 'https://api.github.com/users/atomaka/repos'; $repos = json_decode(curl_request($url)); usort(&$repos,'github_sort'); // and then get the last commit to that repo $url = sprintf('https://api.github.com/repos/atomaka/%s/commits', $repos[0]->name); $commits = json_decode(curl_request($url)); return array( 'commit' => $commits[0]->commit->message, 'repo' => $repos[0]->name, 'url' => $commits[0]->commit->url, ); } function lastfm() { $url = 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=atomaka&limit=1&api_key=27ea07733c17562cf1fe512586954825'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); $latestSong = $xml->recenttracks->track[0]; $timeSince = ((bool)$latestSong->attributes()->nowplaying) ? 'Listening now' : time_since(strtotime($latestSong->date . ' UTC')) . ' ago'; $cover = (is_array($latestSong->image)) ? 'img/lastfm/blank_album64.png' : (string)$latestSong->image[1]; return array( 'song' => (string)$latestSong->name, 'artist' => (string)$latestSong->artist, 'timeSince' => $timeSince, 'url' => (string)$latestSong->url, 'cover' => $cover, ); } function sc2ranks() { $url = 'http://sc2ranks.com/api/base/teams/us/Gaffer$888.json?appKey=whoisandrew.com'; $profile = json_decode(file_get_contents($url)); // find the 1v1 team foreach($profile->teams as $team) { if($team->bracket == 1) break; } return array( 'league' => $team->league, 'division' => $team->division, 'rank' => $team->division_rank, 'points' => $team->points, 'wins' => $team->wins, ); } function hulu() { $url = 'http://www.hulu.com/feed/history/atomaka'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); // data for last show $lastShow = $xml->channel->item[0]; $timeSince = time_since(strtotime($lastShow->pubDate)); $title = explode(' - ', $lastShow->title); preg_match('/description,$thumb); return array( 'title' => $title[2], 'series' => $title[0], 'timeSince' => $timeSince, 'url' => (string)$lastShow->link, 'thumb' => $thumb[1], ); } function steam() { $url = 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993725971/?xml=1'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); // find the most recently played games $recentGames = array(); if(isset($xml->mostPlayedGames)) { foreach($xml->mostPlayedGames->mostPlayedGame as $game) { $recentGames[] = array( 'name' => (string)$game->gameName, 'link' => (string)$game->gameLink, 'hours' => (float)$game->hoursPlayed, ); } } return array( 'hours' => (float)$xml->hoursPlayed2Wk, 'recent' => $recentGames, ); } //***************************************************************************// // Helper functions //***************************************************************************// function curl_request($url) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $contents = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $contents; } function time_since($time) { $periods = array( 'minute' => 60, 'hour' => 60 * 60, 'day' => 60 * 60 * 24, 'week' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, 'month' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, 'year' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, ); $now = time(); $since = $now - $time; $formatted_since = array($since,'seconds'); foreach($periods as $period => $seconds) { $quotient = floor($since / $seconds); if($quotient >= 1) $formatted_since = array($quotient,$period); else break; } if($formatted_since[0] > 1) $formatted_since[1] .= 's'; return implode(' ',$formatted_since); } function urlify($string) { $pattern ="{\\b((https?|telnet|gopher|file|wais|ftp) : [\\w/\\#~:.?+=&%@!\\-]+?) (?= [.:?\\-]* (?:[^\\w/\\#~:.?+=&%@!\\-] |$) ) }x"; return preg_replace($pattern,"$1", $string); } function github_sort($a, $b) { return strtotime($a->pushed_at) < strtotime($b->pushed_at); } ?>