ChoreTracker = LibStub('AceAddon-3.0'):NewAddon('ChoreTracker', 'AceConsole-3.0', 'AceEvent-3.0') local core = ChoreTracker local LQT, LDB, LDBIcon, LBZ local db, tooltip, vpResetTime local fontObjects = { } -- Localization local L = LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):GetLocale('ChoreTracker') -- Get localized instances LBZ = LibStub('LibBabble-Zone-3.0') local Z = LBZ:GetLookupTable() local defaults = { global = {}, profile = { minimap = { hide = false, }, sortType = 1, sortDirection = 1, currentOnTop = false, instances = { [Z['Baradin Hold']] = { abbreviation = 'BH', enable = true, removed = false, }, [Z['Firelands']] = { abbreviation = 'FL', enable = true, removed = false, }, [Z['The Bastion of Twilight']] = { abbreviation = 'BoT', enable = true, removed = false, }, [Z['Blackwing Descent']] = { abbreviation = 'BWD', enable = true, removed = false, }, [Z['Throne of the Four Winds']] = { abbreviation = '4W', enable = true, removed = false, }, }, }, } local options = { name = 'ChoreTracker', type = 'group', args = { general = { name = L['Settings'], type = 'group', order = 1, args = { minimap = { name = L['Hide Minimap Icon'], desc = L['Removes the icon from your minimap.'], type = 'toggle', order = 1, get = function(info) return db.profile.minimap.hide end, set = function(info, value) db.profile.minimap.hide = value LDBIcon[value and 'Hide' or 'Show'](LDBIcon, 'ChoreTracker') end, }, verticalHeader = { name = L['Vertical Sorting'], type = 'header', order = 2, }, currentOnTop = { name = L['Current Character On Top'], desc = L['Place the character you are currently logged in as on the top of the list.'], type = 'toggle', width = 'full', order = 3, get = function(info) return db.profile.currentOnTop end, set = function(info, value) db.profile.currentOnTop = value end, }, sortType = { name = L['Sort Field'], desc = L['Field to sort the tooltip by.'], type = 'select', order = 5, values = { L['Character'], L['Valor Points'], L['Class'] }, get = function(info) return db.profile.sortType end, set = function(info, value) db.profile.sortType = value end, }, sortingDirection = { name = L['Sorting Direction'], desc = L['Which direction to sort.'], type = 'select', order = 6, values = { L['Ascending'], L['Descending'] }, get = function(info) return db.profile.sortDirection end, set = function(info, value) db.profile.sortDirection = value end, }, }, }, instances = { name = L['Instances'], type = 'group', order = 2, args = { }, } }, } function core:OnInitialize() -- Prepare the database if necessary db = LibStub('AceDB-3.0'):New('ChoreTrackerDB', defaults, 'Default') local level = UnitLevel('player') local realm = GetRealmName() local name = UnitName('player') if[realm] == nil then[realm] = {} end if[realm][name] == nil and level == 85 then[realm][name] = {} local class = UnitClass('player') class = class:lower() if class == 'deathknight' then class = 'death knight' end[realm][name].class = class[realm][name].valorPoints = { valorPoints = 0, resetTime = 0, }[realm][name].lockouts = {} end end function core:OnEnable() LQT = LibStub('LibQTip-1.0') -- Setup font strings for later. (RAID_CLASS_COLORS always indexed in English?) for class,color in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do class = class:lower() if class == 'deathknight' then class = 'death knight' end fontObjects[class] = CreateFont('ClassFont' .. class) fontObjects[class]:CopyFontObject(GameTooltipText) fontObjects[class]:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) end fontObjects['green'] = CreateFont('FlagFontGreen') fontObjects['green']:CopyFontObject(GameTooltipText) fontObjects['green']:SetTextColor(0, 255, 0) fontObjects['red'] = CreateFont('FlagFontRed') fontObjects['red']:CopyFontObject(GameTooltipText) fontObjects['red']:SetTextColor(255, 0, 0) -- Setup LDB LDB = LibStub('LibDataBroker-1.1'):NewDataObject('ChoreTracker', { type = 'data source', text = 'ChoreTracker', icon = 'Interface\\AddOns\\ChoreTracker\\icon', OnClick = function(self, button) if button == 'RightButton' then if LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0").OpenFrames['ChoreTracker'] then LibStub('AceConfigDialog-3.0'):Close('ChoreTracker') else LibStub('AceConfigDialog-3.0'):Open('ChoreTracker') end else -- Cycle through our sort options if db.profile.sortType == 1 then db.profile.sortType = 2 core:DrawTooltip() elseif db.profile.sortType == 2 then db.profile.sortType = 3 core:DrawTooltip() else db.profile.sortType = 1 core:DrawTooltip() end end end, OnEnter = function(self) core:DrawTooltip() tooltip:SmartAnchorTo(self) tooltip:Show() end, OnLeave = function(self) LQT:Release(tooltip) tooltip = nil end, }) -- Deal with minimap LDBIcon = LibStub('LibDBIcon-1.0') LDBIcon:Register('ChoreTracker', LDB, db.profile.minimap) if db.profile.minimap.hide then LDBIcon:Hide('ChoreTracker') else LDBIcon:Show('ChoreTracker') end -- Setup instance stuff for options core:DrawInstanceOptions() -- Add options to Interface Panel LibStub('AceConfigRegistry-3.0'):RegisterOptionsTable('ChoreTracker', options) local ACD = LibStub('AceConfigDialog-3.0') ACD:AddToBlizOptions('ChoreTracker', 'ChoreTracker') options.args.profile = LibStub('AceDBOptions-3.0'):GetOptionsTable(db) -- Register events local level = UnitLevel('player') if level == 85 then self:RegisterEvent('CALENDAR_UPDATE_EVENT_LIST') self:RegisterEvent('UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO') self:RegisterEvent('CHAT_MSG_CURRENCY') -- Need another event to catch instance lockouts. CHAT_MSG_CURRENCY will not fire if you -- receive no currency (ie. are Valor Point capped). end -- Get calendar events information OpenCalendar() -- Reset data if necessary core:ResetInstances() core:ResetValorPoints() end --[[ EVENTS ]]-- function core:CALENDAR_UPDATE_EVENT_LIST() core:GetNextVPReset() end function core:UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO() core:UpdateChores() end function core:CHAT_MSG_CURRENCY() RequestRaidInfo() end --[[ FUNCTIONS ]]-- function core:DrawInstanceOptions() -- Redraw our instance options everytime they are updated. options.args.instances.args = { instance = { name = L['Add instance to track.'], desc = L['Enter an instance on a lockout that you would like ChoreTracker to track.'], type = 'input', order = 1, set = function(info, value) if core:VerifyInstance(value) then print('Adding',value) db.profile.instances[value] = { } db.profile.instances[value].abbreviation = string.sub(value,0,1) db.profile.instances[value].enable = true db.profile.instances[value].removed = false core:DrawInstanceOptions() else print('Invalid instance') end end, }, instancesHeader = { name = L['Instances'], type = 'header', order = 2, }, } local i = 1 for instance, abbreviation in pairs(db.profile.instances) do if db.profile.instances[instance].removed == false then options.args.instances.args[instance .. 'Enable'] = { type = 'toggle', name = instance, order = 4 * i, get = function(info) return db.profile.instances[instance].enable end, set = function(info, value) db.profile.instances[instance].enable = value core:DrawInstanceOptions() end, } options.args.instances.args[instance] = { type = 'input', name = '', order = 4 * i + 1, width = 'half', get = function(info) return db.profile.instances[instance].abbreviation end, set = function(info, value) db.profile.instances[instance].abbreviation = value end, } options.args.instances.args[instance .. 'Remove'] = { type = 'execute', name = L['Remove'], order = 4 * i + 2, width = 'half', confirm = true, func = function() db.profile.instances[instance].removed = true core:DrawInstanceOptions() end, } options.args.instances.args[instance .. 'Spacer'] = { type = 'description', name = '', order = 4 * i + 3, } i = i + 1 end end end function core:UpdateChores() -- Reset data if necessary core:ResetInstances() core:ResetValorPoints() local realm = GetRealmName() local name = UnitName('player') local _,_,_,earnedThisWeek = GetCurrencyInfo(396) -- Store Valor Points if we were able to establish a reset time. if vpResetTime ~= nil then[realm][name].valorPoints = {}[realm][name].valorPoints.points = earnedThisWeek[realm][name].valorPoints.resetTime = vpResetTime end -- Store Saved Instances; sometimes, there can be two lockouts to the same instance local savedInstances = GetNumSavedInstances() for i = 1, savedInstances do local instanceName, _, instanceReset, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, defeatedBosses = GetSavedInstanceInfo(i) if db.profile.instances[instanceName] ~= nil then if instanceReset > 0 then[realm][name].lockouts[instanceName] = {}[realm][name].lockouts[instanceName].defeatedBosses = defeatedBosses[realm][name].lockouts[instanceName].resetTime = time() + instanceReset -- Let's not delete instances with no lockout for now. ResetInstances() should take care of this -- and it solves an issue with two lockouts to the same instance being listed. --else --[realm][name].lockouts[instanceName] = nil end end end end function core:ResetInstances() for realm,realmTable in pairs( do for name in pairs(realmTable) do for instance,instanceTable in pairs([realm][name].lockouts) do if instanceTable.resetTime < time() then[realm][name].lockouts[instance] = nil end end end end end function core:ResetValorPoints() for realm,realmTable in pairs( do for name in pairs(realmTable) do if[realm][name].valorPoints.resetTime < time() then[realm][name].valorPoints = { valorPoints = 0, resetTime = 0, } end end end end function core:GetNextVPReset() -- We need to have access to the instance lockouts on the calendar. local currentCalendarSetting = GetCVar('calendarShowResets') SetCVar('calendarShowResets', 1) -- Figure out what time the server resets daily information local questReset = GetQuestResetTime() local resetTime = date('*t', time() + questReset) -- Figure out reset day using next BH lockout local _, month, day, year = CalendarGetDate() local monthOffset = 0 local resetDate = nil while resetDate == nil do local todaysEvents = CalendarGetNumDayEvents(monthOffset, day) for i = 1,todaysEvents do if todaysEvents == 0 then break end local title,hour,minute = CalendarGetDayEvent(monthOffset, day, i) if title == Z['Baradin Hold'] then resetDate = { year = year, month = month + monthOffset, day = day } end end day = day + 1 if day > 31 then if monthOffset == 1 then break end day = 1 monthOffset = 1 end end -- Reset the calendar to the original settings SetCVar('calendarShowResets', currentCalendarSetting) -- And combine for the reset timestamp if(resetDate ~= nil) then resetDate.hour = resetTime.hour resetDate.min = resetTime.min resetDate.sec = resetTime.sec vpResetTime = time(resetDate) else vpResetTime = nil end end function core:VerifyInstance(instance) -- Use a method similar to GetNextVPReset() to make sure the instance -- has a lockout on the calendar local currentCalendarSetting = GetCVar('calendarShowResets') SetCVar('calendarShowResets', 1) local _, month, day, year = CalendarGetDate() local monthOffset = 0 local resetDate = nil while resetDate == nil do local todaysEvents = CalendarGetNumDayEvents(monthOffset, day) for i = 1,todaysEvents do if todaysEvents == 0 then break end local title,hour,minute = CalendarGetDayEvent(monthOffset, day, i) if title == instance then return true end end day = day + 1 if day > 31 then if monthOffset == 1 then break end day = 1 monthOffset = 1 end end -- Reset the calendar to the original settings SetCVar('calendarShowResets', currentCalendarSetting) return false end function core:DrawTooltip() -- UpdateChores before we show the tooltip to make sure we have the most recent data core:UpdateChores() if tooltip then tooltip:ClearAllPoints() tooltip:Clear() tooltip = nil end local columnCount = 2 for instance in pairs(db.profile.instances) do if db.profile.instances[instance].enable == true and db.profile.instances[instance].removed == false then columnCount = columnCount + 1 end end tooltip = LQT:Acquire('ChoreTrackerTooltip', columnCount, 'LEFT', 'CENTER', 'RIGHT') -- Populate a table with the information we want for our tooltip local tooltipTable = {} local currentTable = {} for realm in pairs( do for name in pairs([realm]) do local valorPoints =[realm][name].valorPoints.points local class =[realm][name].class if valorPoints == nil then valorPoints = 0 end local characterTable = { name = name, realm = realm, class = class, valorPoints = valorPoints } for instance in pairs(db.profile.instances) do local defeatedBosses if[realm][name].lockouts[instance] ~= nil then defeatedBosses =[realm][name].lockouts[instance].defeatedBosses else defeatedBosses = 0 end characterTable[instance] = defeatedBosses end if name == UnitName('player') and db.profile.currentOnTop == true then currentTable = characterTable else table.insert(tooltipTable, characterTable) end end end -- Sort table according to options. local sortTooltip = function(a, b) local aValue, bValue if db.profile.sortType == 1 then aValue = bValue = elseif db.profile.sortType == 2 then aValue = a.valorPoints bValue = b.valorPoints elseif db.profile.sortType == 3 then aValue = a.class bValue = b.class end if db.profile.sortDirection == 1 then return aValue < bValue else return aValue > bValue end end table.sort(tooltipTable, sortTooltip ) -- Toss the current character on top if it is set that way if db.profile.currentOnTop == true then table.insert(tooltipTable, 1, currentTable) end -- Create a table for the header; vpPos to decide where to place Valor Points column -- Draw tooltip table then looped through. -- Draw the tooltip tooltip:AddHeader('') tooltip:SetScale(1) local valorPointColumn = tooltip:AddColumn('LEFT') tooltip:SetCell(1, 1, '') tooltip:SetCell(1, 2, 'VP') -- Build and sort our headers local headerTable = { } --headerTable['Valor Points'] = { abbreviation = 'VP', enable = true, removed = false, } for instance, instanceInfo in pairs(db.profile.instances) do if db.profile.instances[instance].enable == true and db.profile.instances[instance].removed == false then table.insert(headerTable,instanceInfo) end end local nextColumn = 3 for instance,instanceInfo in pairs(headerTable) do tooltip:SetCell(1, nextColumn, instanceInfo.abbreviation, nil, 'CENTER') nextColumn = nextColumn + 1 end for _,information in pairs(tooltipTable) do local characterLine = tooltip:AddLine('') tooltip:SetCell(characterLine, 1,, fontObjects[information.class], 'LEFT') local valorPointColor if information.valorPoints == 980 then valorPointColor = fontObjects['red'] else valorPointColor = fontObjects['green'] end tooltip:SetCell(characterLine, 2, information.valorPoints, valorPointColor, 'RIGHT') local nextColumn = 3 for instance, abbreviation in pairs(db.profile.instances) do if db.profile.instances[instance].enable == true and db.profile.instances[instance].removed == false then local instanceColor if information[instance] == 0 then instanceColor = fontObjects['green'] else instanceColor = fontObjects['red'] end tooltip:SetCell(characterLine, nextColumn, information[instance], instanceColor, 'RIGHT') nextColumn = nextColumn + 1 end end end end