ChoreTracker = LibStub('AceAddon-3.0'):NewAddon('ChoreTracker', 'AceConsole-3.0', 'AceEvent-3.0') local core = ChoreTracker local LibQTip local trackedInstances = { ['Baradin Hold'] = 'BH', ['Firelands'] = 'FL', } local defaults = { global = { classes = {}, valorPoints = {}, lockouts = {}, } } local classColors = {} local flagColors = {} local function anchor_OnEnter(self) self.db = LibStub('AceDB-3.0'):New('ChoreTrackerDB', defaults, 'Default') local columnCount = 2 for instance,abbreviation in pairs(trackedInstances) do columnCount = columnCount + 1 end self.tooltip = LibQTip:Acquire('ChoreTrackerTooltip', columnCount, 'LEFT', 'CENTER', 'RIGHT') --create the tooltip header self.tooltip:AddHeader('') local valorPointColumn = self.tooltip:AddColumn('LEFT') self.tooltip:SetCell(1, 1, '') self.tooltip:SetCell(1, 2, 'VP') local nextColumn = 3 for instance,abbreviation in pairs(trackedInstances) do self.tooltip:SetCell(1, nextColumn, abbreviation, nil, 'LEFT') nextColumn = nextColumn + 1 end --go through all stored raiders for character,instancesTable in pairs( do local characterLine = self.tooltip:AddLine('') local class =[character] self.tooltip:SetCell(characterLine, 1, character, classColors[class], 'LEFT') local valorPointColor,valorPoints if[character] == nil then valorPoints = 0 else valorPoints =[character].points end if valorPoints == 980 then valorPointColor = flagColors['red'] else valorPointColor = flagColors['green'] end self.tooltip:SetCell(characterLine, 2, valorPoints, valorPointColor, 'LEFT') local nextColumn = 3 for instance,abbreviation in pairs(trackedInstances) do if[character][instance] ~= nil then self.tooltip:SetCell(characterLine, nextColumn,[character][instance].defeatedBosses, flagColors['red'], 'LEFT') else self.tooltip:SetCell(characterLine, nextColumn, '0', flagColors['green'], 'LEFT') end nextColumn = nextColumn + 1 end end self.tooltip:SmartAnchorTo(self) self.tooltip:Show() end local function anchor_OnLeave(self) LibQTip:Release(self.tooltip) self.tooltip = nil end function core:OnInitialize() self.db = LibStub('AceDB-3.0'):New('ChoreTrackerDB', defaults, 'Default') local ChoresDisplay = CreateFrame('Frame', 'ChoreTrackerFrame', UIParent) ChoresDisplay:SetPoint('TOPLEFT') ChoresDisplay.background = ChoresDisplay:CreateTexture(nil, 'BACKGROUND') ChoresDisplay.background:SetAllPoints(true) ChoresDisplay.background:SetTexture(1, 0.5, 0, 0.5) ChoresDisplay:SetHeight(50) ChoresDisplay:SetWidth(50) ChoresDisplay:Show() ChoresDisplay:EnableMouse(true) ChoresDisplay:SetMovable(true) ChoresDisplay:RegisterForDrag('LeftButton') ChoresDisplay:SetScript('OnDragStart', ChoresDisplay.StartMoving) ChoresDisplay:SetScript('OnDragStop', ChoresDisplay.StopMovingOrSizing) ChoresDisplay:SetScript('OnHide', ChoresDisplay.StopMovingOrSizing) ChoresDisplay:SetScript('OnEnter', anchor_OnEnter) ChoresDisplay:SetScript('OnLeave', anchor_OnLeave) for class,color in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do class = class:lower() if class == 'deathknight' then class = 'death knight' end classColors[class] = CreateFont('ClassFont' .. class) classColors[class]:CopyFontObject(GameTooltipText) classColors[class]:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) end flagColors['green'] = CreateFont('FlagFontGreen') flagColors['green']:CopyFontObject(GameTooltipText) flagColors['green']:SetTextColor(0, 255, 0) flagColors['red'] = CreateFont('FlagFontRed') flagColors['red']:CopyFontObject(GameTooltipText) flagColors['red']:SetTextColor(255, 0, 0) end function core:OnEnable() LibQTip = LibStub('LibQTip-1.0') local name = UnitName('player') if[name] == nil then[name] = {} end if[name] == nil then[name] = {} end self:RegisterChatCommand('ct', 'ViewChores'); self:RegisterEvent('UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO', 'UpdateChores') end function core:ViewChores() end function core:UpdateChores() local level = UnitLevel('player') --reset data if necessary core:ResetInstances() core:ResetValorPoints() if(level == 85) then local _,_,_,earnedThisWeek = GetCurrencyInfo(396) local name = UnitName('player') --set class if not already set local class = UnitClass('player')[name] = class:lower() local vpReset = core:GetNextVPReset() --store Valor Points[name] = {}[name].points = earnedThisWeek[name].resetTime = vpReset --store Saved Instances local savedInstances = GetNumSavedInstances() for i = 1, savedInstances do local instanceName, _, instanceReset, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, defeatedBosses = GetSavedInstanceInfo(i) if trackedInstances[instanceName] ~= nil then if instanceReset > 0 then[name][instanceName] = {}[name][instanceName].defeatedBosses = defeatedBosses[name][instanceName].resetTime = time() + instanceReset else[name][instanceName] = nil end end end end end function core:ResetInstances() for k,v in pairs( do for x,y in pairs([k]) do if y.resetTime < time() then[k][x] = nil end end end end function core:ResetValorPoints() for k,v in pairs( do if v.resetTime ~= nil then if v.resetTime < time() then[k] = nil end end end end function core:GetNextVPReset() --prepare calendar local currentCalendarSetting = GetCVar('calendarShowResets') -- get current value and store SetCVar('calendarShowResets',1) -- set it to what we want --figure out what time the server resets daily information local questReset = GetQuestResetTime() local resetTime = date('*t', time() + questReset) --figure out reset day using next BH lockout local _, month, day, year = CalendarGetDate() local monthOffset = 0 local resetDate = nil while resetDate == nil do local todaysEvents = CalendarGetNumDayEvents(monthOffset, day) for i = 1,todaysEvents do if todaysEvents == 0 then break end local title,hour,minute = CalendarGetDayEvent(monthOffset, day, i) if(title == 'Baradin Hold') then resetDate = { year = year, month = month + monthOffset, day = day } end end day = day + 1 if day > 31 then if monthOffset == 1 then break end day = 1 monthOffset = 1 end end --return calendar SetCVar('calendarShowResets',currentCalendarSetting) --and combine for the reset timestamp resetDate.hour = resetTime.hour resetDate.min = resetTime.min resetDate.sec = resetTime.sec return time(resetDate) end