AllTheLittleThings = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("ATLT", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0", "AceHook-3.0") local core = AllTheLittleThings -- local DedicatedInsanity = {46017,47069,47079,47082,47093,47072,47073,47090,47071,47094,47081,47092,47070,47080,47104,47138,47114,47121,47142,47108,47106,47107,47140,47126,47139,47116,47148,47193,47233,47150,47234,47195,47184,47204,47151,47186,47235,47183,47194,47187,47225,47203,47054,47182,46958,46976,46985,46996,46994,46979,46963,46962,46997,47052,47057,46999,46961,46960,47083,46990,47152,47056,47000,46988,46974,47055,46992,47051,46972,47141,47042,47043,47041,47115,46959,47053,49500,49494,49465,49493,49490,49496,49497,49499,49495,49501,49498,49466,49467,49474,49475,49476,49478,49479,49480,49468,49469,49470,49471,49472,49473,49477,49481,49482,49483,49484,49491,49489,49492,49464,49488,47078,47085,47086,47098,47076,47074,47087,47099,47077,47096,47084,47097,47095,47075,47088,47001,47156,46995,46980,46969,47113,47521,47206,47526,47519,47239,46964,47130,47524,47525,47517,47506,47515,46968,47147,46986,47003,47154,47240,47061,47067,47132,47002,47207,46967,47111,46965,47209,47109,47191,46991,47153,47068,47004,46989,46975,47190,47112,47145,47066,47155,46993,47129,47205,47236,47062,47189,46973,47143,47208,46971,46977,47063,47192,47238,47545,47547,47549,47552,47553,47237,47060,47110,47133,47144,47059,47131,47188,47224,47157,46966,47146,47064, -- 42210,42229,42234,42244,42250,42257,42262,42267,42272,42277,42282,42287,42292,42319,42324,42329,42334,42348,42354,42366,42386,42392,42483,42487,42492,42498,42504,42515,42521,44423,44424,48402,48404,48406,48408,48410,48412,48414,48420,48422,48424,48426,48428,48432,48435,48438,48440,48442,48444,48507,48509,48511,48513,48515,48517,48519,48521,48523,49185,49189,49191, -- 40790,40791,40792,40810,40811,40812,40829,40830,40831,40850,40851,40852,40870,40871,40872,40883,40884,40890,40910,40928,40934,40940,40964,40978,40979,40984,40994,40995,41002,41008,41014,41020,41028,41034,41039,41045,41052,41056,41061,41066,41071,41076,41082,41088,41138,41144,41152,41158,41200,41206,41212,41218,41226,41231,41236,41276,41282,41288,41294,41299,41305,41311,41317,41322,41328,41618,41622,41626,41631,41636,41641,41651,41656,41662,41668,41673,41679,41684,41716,41768,41774,41833,41837,41841,41855,41860,41865,41870,41875,41882,41886,41894,41899,41904,41910,41916,41922,41928,41935,41941,41947,41954,41960,41966,41972,41994,41999,42006,42012,42018,42041,42042,42043,42044,42045,42046,42047,42076,42077,42078,42079,42080,42081,42082,42118,42119,42527,42533,42539,42561,42566,42572,42580,42585,42591,42599,42604,42609,42616,42622,42854,46374,49086,49179,49181,49183,49187, -- 48646,48645,48644,48643,48642,48616,48615,48614,48613,48612,48584,48583,48582,48581,48580,48547,48546,48545,48544,48543,48490,48489,48488,48487,48486,48455,48453,48451,48447,48433,48385,48384,48383,48382,48381,48355,48354,48353,48352,48351,48325,48324,48323,48322,48321,48294,48293,48292,48291,48290,48264,48263,48262,48261,48260,48232,48231,48230,48229,48228,48207,48206,48205,48204,48203,48172,48171,48170,48169,48168,48142,48141,48140,48139,48138,48086,48085,48084,48083,48082,48037,48035,48033,48031,48029,47792,47791,47790,47789,47788,47762,47761,47760,47759,47758, -- } local options = { name = "All The Little Things", type = 'group', args = { alwaysDump = { order = 1, name = "Always Dump", desc = "Always dump to raid chat regardless of promotion", type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return core.db.profile.alwaysDump end, set = function(info, v) core.db.profile.alwaysDump = v end, }, interrupt = { order = 4, name = "Interrupt printing", desc = "Toggles printing what you interrupted in party chat", type = "toggle", get = function(info) return core.db.profile.interrupt end, set = function(info, v) core.db.profile.interrupt = v end, }, rollTally = { order = 30, name = "Roll Tally", desc = "Tallies rolls for 8s after a raid warning with 'roll' in the message. Can also activate with /atlt rt.", type = "toggle", get = function(info) return core.db.profile.rollTally end, set = function(info, v) core.db.profile.rollTally = v core:OnEnable() end, }, nixAFK = { order = 30, name = "Remove AFK Responses", desc = "Removes AFK responses when whispering AFK players.", type = "toggle", get = function(info) return core.db.profile.nixAFK end, set = function(info, v) core.db.profile.nixAFK = v core:OnEnable() end, }, achieveFilter = { order = 45, name = "Achievement Filter", desc = "Sets achievement filter to Incomplete automatically.", type = "toggle", get = function(info) return core.db.profile.achieveFilter end, set = function(info, v) core.db.profile.achieveFilter = v core:OnEnable() end, }, officerPhone = { order = 60, name = "Officer Phone Records", desc = "Allows !phone ", type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return core.db.profile.officerPhone end, set = function(info, v) core.db.profile.officerPhone = v core:OnEnable() end, }, markMsgFilter = { order = 70, name = "Mark Message Filter", desc = "Filters mark messages caused by the player.", type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return core.db.profile.markMsgFilter end, set = function(info, v) core.db.profile.markMsgFilter = v core:OnEnable() end, }, spellWatch = { order = 80, name = "Print important spells", desc = "Prints MD, ToTT, and taunts to ncafail.", type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return core.db.profile.spellWatch end, set = function(info, v) core.db.profile.spellWatch = v end, }, macroSwap = { order = 90, name = "Flame Caps for Lich King", desc = "Swaps the macro to use Flame Caps for HLK", type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return core.db.profile.macroSwap end, set = function(info, v) core.db.profile.macroSwap = v end, }, }, } local defaults = { profile = { addonDebug = { x = 100, y = 100, }, alwaysDump = true, isGay = false, interrupt = false, nixAFK = true, autoWG = false, eotsFlag = true, consolidateThresh = 0, officerPhone = true, markMsgFilter = true, spellWatch = true, macroSwap = true, halloween = 1, guildXPMarks = { }, } } local spellWatch = { ["Taunt"] = true, ["Growl"] = true, ["Hand of Reckoning"] = true, ["Death Grip"] = true, ["Dark Command"] = true, } local aoeSpellWatch = { ["Misdirection"] = true, ["Tricks of the Trade"] = true, ["Righteous Defense"] = true, ["Challenging Shout"] = true, ["Challenging Roar"] = true, }; local potList = { ["a"] = 58146, -- Golemblood ["b"] = 58145, -- Tol'vir ["c"] = 58090, -- Earthen ["d"] = 58091, -- Volcanic ["e"] = 57194, -- Concentration ["f"] = 57192, -- Mythical } local armorGlyphs = { [30482] = 56382, -- Molten Armor [6117] = 56383, -- Mage Armor } core.guildList = {} core.rollTally = {} core.rollTimer = false core.guildHook = false core.interruptCast = false core.consolidateHook = false core.achieveHook = false core.hallowBuff = nil core.mailQueue = {} -- used in /atlt pots function core:OnInitialize() self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("AllTheLittleThingsDB", defaults, "Default") --[[self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileChanged", "OnProfileChanged") self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileCopied", "OnProfileChanged") self.db.RegisterCallback(self, "OnProfileReset", "OnProfileChanged")]] self:RegisterChatCommand("atlt", "SlashProcess") -- options.args.profile = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db) LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("ATLT", options) self.optionsFrame = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("ATLT", "All The Little Things") -- Init finished -- self.guildList = self:GetGuildList() ConsoleExec("cameradistancemaxfactor 5") -- try to reproduce that bug -- self:Nostromo() end function core:OnEnable() SetModifiedClick("TRADESEARCHADD", nil) if self.db.profile.rollTally then self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING") self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") end if self.db.profile.nixAFK then ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_AFK", function(...) return self:NixAFK(...); end); end if self.db.profile.markMsgFilter then ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_TARGETICONS", function(_,_,msg) if (msg:find("%["..UnitName("player").."%]")) then return true; end end); end if self.db.profile.autoWG then self:RegisterEvent("BATTLEFIELD_MGR_ENTRY_INVITE") end if self.db.profile.eotsFlag and not self.eotsHook then end if self.db.profile.achieveFilter and not self.achieveHook then self:RawHook("AchievementFrame_LoadUI", true) self.achieveHook = true end -- if (self.db.profile.consolidateThresh>0) and (not self.consolidateHook) then -- self:RawHook("UnitAura", true) -- self.consolidateHook = true -- end if (self.db.profile.officerPhone) then self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_OFFICER"); end self:RegisterEvent("MAIL_SHOW", "MailQueueCheck"); self:RegisterEvent("MAIL_SUCCESS", "MailQueueCheck"); self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", "ZoneChange"); self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED", "ZoneChange"); self:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA", "ZoneChange"); self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED", "ZoneChange"); self:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_LOOT") self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") self:RegisterEvent('GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED') self:SecureHook("TargetUnit") if RaidBuffStatus then self:SecureHook(RaidBuffStatus, "SetupFrames", "SetupRBS") end if Prat then self:SetupPrat() end -- self:ScheduleTimer("SetupAddonDebug", 3) end function core:OnDisable() self:UnregisterAllEvents() self:UnhookAll() self.guildHook = false self.achieveHook = false self.eotsHook = false self.consolidateHook = false end function core:SlashProcess(msg) if msg == "debug" then self:BugInit() elseif msg == "rolltally" or msg == "rt" then self:CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING(nil, "roll") elseif msg == "phone" then -- prints missing phone numbers self:FindMissingPhones(); elseif msg == "ilevel" or msg == "il" then self:RaidDump("Tallying iLevel Sums...") r = {} for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do s=0 InspectUnit("raid"..i) for j=1,16 do l=GetInventoryItemLink("raid"..i,j) if l~=nil and j~=4 then _,_,_,v=GetItemInfo(l) s=s+v end end r[i] = {UnitName("raid"..i), s} end table.sort(r, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end) for i,v in pairs(r) do if v[2] > 0 then self:RaidDump(v[1]..": "..v[2]) else self:RaidDump(v[1]..": (out of range)") end end self:RaidDump("---") elseif msg == "combatlog" or msg == "cl" then CombatLogClearEntries() elseif msg:match("^pots ") then -- get all guild members for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local name, rank = GetGuildRosterInfo(i) name = name:lower() if rank == "Member" or rank == "Officer" or rank == "Guild Master" then if self.mailQueue[name] == nil then self.mailQueue[name] = {} end end end -- parse msg:gsub("([^%d%s]+)(%d+)(%w)", function(name, ct, type) local typeRef = potList[type] name = name:lower() ct = tonumber(ct) if typeRef and ct then for i,_ in pairs(self.mailQueue) do if i:match("^" then self.mailQueue[i][typeRef] = ct print(format("Queued %dx |Hitem:%d|h[%s]|h for %s", ct, typeRef, GetItemInfo("item:"..typeRef), i)) end end end end) -- cleanup array for name,data in pairs(self.mailQueue) do local ct = 0 for i,v in pairs(data) do ct = ct + v end if ct == 0 then self.mailQueue[name] = nil end end elseif msg == "markxp" then -- write all current local db = self.db.profile.guildXPMarks local num = #db+1 db[num] = { time = time(), marks = { }, } local markSet = db[num].marks -- build all xp list for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local name, rank, _, _, _, _, note = GetGuildRosterInfo(i) local xp, total = GetGuildRosterContribution(i) if rank:find("Alt") then name = note end if not markSet[name] then markSet[name] = 0 end markSet[name] = markSet[name] + total end self:Print(format("Created new mark set #%d; suggested UI reload", num)) elseif msg:find("diff ") then local setNum = tonumber(msg:match("diff (%d+)")) local set = setNum and self.db.profile.guildXPMarks[setNum] if not set then self:Print(format("Could not find split %d", setNum)) return end local markSet = { } for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local name, rank, _, _, _, _, note = GetGuildRosterInfo(i) local xp, total = GetGuildRosterContribution(i) if rank:find("Alt") then name = note end if not markSet[name] then markSet[name] = 0 end markSet[name] = markSet[name] + total end local diff = { } local total = 0 for player, xp in pairs(set.marks) do if markSet[player] > xp then local d = markSet[player] - xp diff[player] = d total = total + d end end local function printInfo(msg) -- self:Print(msg) SendChatMessage(msg, "guild") end printInfo(format("Guild XP Difference Since %s:", date("%c", set.time))) while next(diff) ~= nil do local max, maxVal = "-", -1 for k,v in pairs(diff) do if v > maxVal then max, maxVal = k, v end end printInfo(format("%s - %.1fk (%.1f%%)", max, maxVal/1000, maxVal/total*100)) diff[max] = nil end elseif msg == "activitytally" or msg == "at" then local function printInfo(msg) -- self:Print(msg) SendChatMessage(msg, "guild") end local mains = {} local alts = {} -- really a table of the mains as the key, alt totals as the value, but we'll merge later once we can confirm local capped = {} -- table of mains who hit cap for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local name, rank, _, _, _, _, note = GetGuildRosterInfo(i) local xp, total = GetGuildRosterContribution(i) local tbl = mains if self.toggleTotal then xp = total end if rank:find("Alt") then name, tbl = note, alts end if rank ~= "Non-raider" or name == "Ariik" then if not tbl[name] then tbl[name] = 0 end tbl[name] = tbl[name] + xp if xp == 1575002 then capped[name] = true end end end -- total and merge alts local total = 0 for k,v in pairs(mains) do mains[k] = mains[k] + (alts[k] or 0) total = total + mains[k] end -- print using selection sort printInfo("Top contributors for the week; alts included:") while next(mains) ~= nil do local max, maxVal = "-", -1 for k,v in pairs(mains) do if v > maxVal then max, maxVal = k, v end end printInfo(format("%s%s - %d (%.1f%%)", (capped[max] and "*" or ""), max, maxVal, maxVal/total*100)) mains[max] = nil end printInfo("* Denotes capped on at least one character") elseif msg == "hott" then self:RaidDump("Checking for Herald Gear...") for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do s=0 InspectUnit("raid"..i) for j=1,18 do l=GetInventoryItemLink("raid"..i,j) if l~=nil then _,_,_,v=GetItemInfo(l) if v>232 then self:RaidDump(UnitName("raid"..i) .. ": " .. l .. "!!") elseif v>226 and (j~=16 and j~=18) then self:RaidDump(UnitName("raid"..i) .. ": " .. l .. "!!") end end end end self:RaidDump("Check complete.") elseif msg == "ttdi" then local toCheck = {} local uncheckedPlayers = {} self:RaidDump("Checking for Dedicated Insanity Gear...") for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do local name = UnitName("raid"..i) InspectUnit("raid"..i) uncheckedPlayers[name] = 0 for j=1,18 do l=GetInventoryItemLink("raid"..i,j) if l~=nil then uncheckedPlayers[name] = uncheckedPlayers[name]+1 _, _, id = strfind(l, "item:(%d+)") if id then toCheck[id] = l end end end end for i,v in ipairs(DedicatedInsanity) do if toCheck[tostring(v)] then SendChatMessage(string.format("%s is not allowed", toCheck[tostring(v)]), "raid") end end for i,v in pairs(uncheckedPlayers) do if v < 5 then SendChatMessage(string.format("%s was not checked.", i), "raid") end end self:RaidDump("Check complete.") else self:Print("Valid commands:") self:Print("/atlt disbandraid - Disbands a raid") self:Print("/atlt inviteguild - Invites everyone in your guild to a raid") self:Print("/atlt promoteall - Promotes everyone in the raid") self:Print("/atlt printloot - Prints the loot in raid warning") self:Print("/atlt clearmarks - Clears all raid marks") self:Print("/atlt rolltally - Begins recording rolls for 10 seconds") self:Print("/atlt arathibasin - Prints info on the current AB game") self:Print("/atlt printloot - Prints the loot in /rw with accompanying letter") self:Print("/atlt ilevel - Prints the sum of everyone's ilevel gear in raid chat") self:Print("/atlt combatlog - Fixes a broken combat log") self:Print("/atlt hott - Raid wide Herald of the Titans check") self:Print("/atlt ttdi - Raid wide Tribute to Dedicated Insanity check") end end function core:CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING(_, message) if self.db.profile.rollTally and string.find(message:lower(), "roll") then if self.rollTimer then -- Stop current roll self:CancelTimer(self.rollTimer) self:RollFinish() end self.rollTally = {} self.rollTimer = self:ScheduleTimer("RollFinish", 10) end end function core:UNIT_AURA(_, unit) -- if we haven't set the initial value yet, set and quit if (self.hallowBuff == nil) then self.hallowBuff = not not UnitDebuff("player", "Tricked or Treated") -- self:Print("Set to", self.hallowBuff); return; end local function hasBuff() return not not UnitDebuff("player", "Tricked or Treated") end if (unit == "player") then if (self.hallowBuff and not hasBuff()) then self:Print("Halloween debuff lost!"); self.hallowBuff = false; elseif (not self.hallowBuff and hasBuff()) then self.db.profile.halloween = self.db.profile.halloween + 1; -- pick transitive local transitive = TRANSITIVES[math.random(#TRANSITIVES)]; self:Print(format("I will %s %d babies this year", transitive, self.db.profile.halloween)) self.hallowBuff = true; end end end -- g_allLoots = {} function core:CHAT_MSG_LOOT(_, message, source) -- if (message:find("Saampson") and message:find("Shadowfrost Shard")) then -- SendChatMessage(format("Saampson Shard Count: %d", math.random(15, 50)), "raid"); -- end -- source = message:match("(.+) receives loot") -- if not g_allLoots[source] then -- g_allLoots[source] = 0 -- end -- g_allLoots[source] = g_allLoots[source] + 1 if message:find("You create") and message:find("Deathblood Venom") and GuildBankFrame and GuildBankFrame:IsVisible() and GetItemCount("Deathblood Venom") >= 4 then for bag=0,NUM_BAG_SLOTS do for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do if GetContainerItemID(bag, slot) == 58142 then SetCurrentGuildBankTab(5) UseContainerItem(bag, slot) end end end end end function core:CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM(_, message, source) if self.db.profile.rollTally and self.rollTimer then local name, roll, min, max = string.match(message, "(%S+) rolls (%d+) %((%d+)%-(%d+)%)") if name and roll and min and max then if min ~= "1" or max ~= "100" then self:Print(string.format("%s is rolling out of bounds (%d-%d).", name, min, max)) return end if not self.rollTally then self.rollTally = {} end if self.rollTally[name] then self:Print(string.format("%s is rolling again (first: %d, this: %d).", name, self.rollTally[name], roll)) return end self.rollTally[name] = roll end end end -- g_allDebuffs = {} function core:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(_, timestamp, event, _, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags, spellid, spellName, spellSchool, extraSpellid, extraSpellName, ...) --[[ if self.db.profile.interrupt and GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then if event == "SPELL_INTERRUPT" and srcName == UnitName("player") then SendChatMessage("Interrupted " .. dstName .. "'s " .. extraSpellName, "party") self.interruptCasted = false end if (event == "SPELL_MISSED" or event == "SPELL_HIT") and srcName == UnitName("player") and spellName == "Counterspell" then SendChatMessage("Counterspell missed", "party") self.interruptCasted = false end if event == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" and srcName == UnitName("player") and spellName == "Counterspell" then self.interruptCasted = true self:ScheduleTimer(function() if core.interruptCasted == true then SendChatMessage("Counterspell failed", "party") self.interruptCasted = false end end, 0.3) end end ]] -- if (spellName == "Animal Blood" and event == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED") then -- if not g_allDebuffs[dstName] then -- g_allDebuffs[dstName] = 0 -- end -- g_allDebuffs[dstName] = g_allDebuffs[dstName] + 1 -- end if (self.db.profile.spellWatch and (UnitInRaid(srcName) or UnitInParty(srcName)) and (not UnitInBattleground("player")) and (GetRealZoneText() ~= "Wintergrasp")) then -- temp gaffer watch! --if (UnitInRaid("Gaffer") or UnitInRaid("Gtt")) then -- return; --end local act = false; if ( (event == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" and spellWatch[spellName]) or (event == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" and aoeSpellWatch[spellName]) ) then act = "casted"; elseif (event == "SPELL_MISSED" and spellWatch[spellName]) then act = "missed"; end if (act ~= false) then local target = (dstName and " on %s") or ""; SendChatMessage(format("%s %s %s", srcName, act, spellName, dstName), "channel", nil, GetChannelName("ncafail")); end end if (event == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" and dstGUID == UnitGUID("player") and spellName == "Cauterize") then self:ScheduleTimer(function() if not UnitIsDead("player") then for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, online = GetGuildRosterInfo(i) if name == "Chira" and online then SendChatMessage(">>> Cauterize just saved me! <<<", "whisper", nil, name) end end end end, 1) end if (event == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" and dstGUID == UnitGUID("player")) then if armorGlyphs[spellid] then -- print(spellid, armorGlyphs[spellid]) -- check if we have a different glyph for i=1, NUM_GLYPH_SLOTS do local glyphSpell = select(4, GetGlyphSocketInfo(i)) -- print(glyphSpell) if glyphSpell == armorGlyphs[spellid] then return end end print(format("Warning: %s is not glyphed", spellName)) end end end function core:FlaskCheck() local now = GetTime() for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do for j=1,32 do local player = UnitName("raid"..i) name, _, _, _, _, _, expires = UnitAura("raid"..i, j) if name and name:find("Flask ") then local time = expires - now if time<990 and time>0 then SendChatMessage(format("%s %d:%02d", player, floor(time/60), time%60), "raid") -- SendChatMessage(format("Flask ending in %d:%02d", UnitName(r), floor(time/60), time%60), "whipser", nil, player) end end end end end local macro = "MI+FC"; function core:ZoneChange() if (self.db.profile.macroSwap and UnitName("player")=="Chira" and GetMacroIndexByName(macro)>0) then if (GetSubZoneText() == "The Frozen Throne" and self:GetMode()>3) then EditMacro(GetMacroIndexByName(macro), nil, nil, GetMacroBody(macro):gsub("Flame Caq", "Flame Cap")); else EditMacro(GetMacroIndexByName(macro), nil, nil, GetMacroBody(macro):gsub("Flame Cap", "Flame Caq")); end end end function core:GetMode() local _, _, diff, _, _, dynHeroic, dynFlag = GetInstanceInfo(); return diff; -- (dynFlag and (2-(diff%2)+2*dynHeroic)) or diff; end function core:CheckSmash() local sum, str local thresh = self.db.profile.smash for name, vals in pairs(self.smashList) do sum = 0 str = " (" for _,v in ipairs(vals) do sum = sum + v str = str .. v .. ", " end if sum > thresh then self:RaidDump(name .. " got smashed for " .. sum .. str:sub(1, -3) .. ")") end self.smashList[name] = {} end self.smashTimer = nil end function core:RaidDump(msg, sink) if self.db.profile.alwaysDump or IsRaidOfficer() then sink = sink or "raid" SendChatMessage(msg, sink) end end function core:RollFinish() local winner local ties = {} for i,v in pairs(self.rollTally) do if (not winner) or (tonumber(self.rollTally[winner]) 0) then if ((expires-GetTime())/60 > self.db.profile.consolidateThresh) or (name:find("Aura") or name:find("Totem")) or (shouldConsolidate == 1) then shouldConsolidate = 1 else shouldConsolidate = nil end end return name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID end function core:CHAT_MSG_OFFICER(_, msg) local _,_,numA,numB,numC = msg:find("!phone %(?(%d+)%)?.(%d+).(%d+)"); local _,_,name = msg:find("!phone (%w+)"); if (not (numA and numB and numC) and not name) then return; end local setting = GetGuildRosterShowOffline(); SetGuildRosterShowOffline(1); for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local p, n = self:CheckPhone(i); if ((name and p and p:lower():find(name:lower())) or (numA and n and format("%s-%s-%s", numA, numB, numC)==n)) then if (n) then SendChatMessage(format("%s: %s", p, n), "officer"); else SendChatMessage(format("No %s for %s.", (numA and "name") or "number", p), "officer"); end end end SetGuildRosterShowOffline(setting); end function core:CheckPhone(index) local name, rank, _, _, _, _, _, onote = GetGuildRosterInfo(index); local a, b, c = onote:match("%(?(%d%d%d)%)?.(%d%d%d).(%d%d%d%d)"); if (not rank:find("Alt") and not rank:find("Non")) then if (a) then return name, format("%s-%s-%s", a, b, c); end return name, nil; end return nil, nil; end function core:FindMissingPhones() local found = false; for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local player, num = self:CheckPhone(i); if (player and not num) then if (not found) then self:Print("Players without phone numbers:"); found = true; end self:Print(player); end end if (not found) then self:Print("All players have a phone number."); end end function core:TargetUnit(name) if name and GetNumPartyMembers() == 0 and GetNumRaidMembers() == 0 then self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_TARGET", function(_, unit) if unit == "player" then if UnitName("target") and UnitName("target"):lower():find(name:lower()) then SetRaidTarget("target", 1) end self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_TARGET") end end) end end --[[ Things to do here still: - remove debug - consumables.php: group names together in slash args - consumables.php: split slash by pots? - if we don't have mats for this player, move to end of queue - use a flag of sorts to keep track of who was moved and who was not; reset flags on... mailbox close? this way we don't keep going through the queue over and over at the end - change data structure to numerical array (so we can move to the end) - change subject line to include amount - the lowercase first letter bugs me - do check when parsing slash command to make sure there are no ambiguous targets (Eternal/Eternity) - compress slash command more: limit to first 4 letters (chir40d, chir->chira)? 3 may be possible but has higher collisions allow for chaining (chira40d2e6f - 40d, 2e, 6f)? include length of name after characters *in hex* (chi540d - "chira" has length of 5) - re-consolidate stacks at the end of the queue - add a command to display how much left of each is needed vs how much you have ]] local mailQueueTimer function core:MailQueueCheck(caller, passData) local name,data = next(self.mailQueue) if not data then return -- no need to process queue end local delay = 0.5 if caller == "MAIL_SUCCESS" then -- MAIL_SUCCESS fires on open too, so going to make sure we're looking at a Send Mail screen if MailFrame.selectedTab ~= 2 then return end end if mailQueueTimer then self:CancelTimer(mailQueueTimer, true) end -- slight pause to allow for items to disappear mailQueueTimer = self:ScheduleTimer(function() do self:Print(caller) -- return end -- find all slots for splitting onto local emptySlots = {} for bag=0,NUM_BAG_SLOTS do local free = GetContainerFreeSlots(bag) for _,slot in ipairs(free) do table.insert(emptySlots, bag*100+slot) end end -- need to keep track of what to push to Send Mail window when the item lock clears local pushQueue = {} local checkItemLock = function(_, bagID, slotID) local globalID = bagID*100+slotID self:Print("ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED fired", globalID) if pushQueue[globalID] then local _, _, locked = GetContainerItemInfo(bagID, slotID) if not locked then PickupContainerItem(bagID, slotID) ClickSendMailItemButton() pushQueue[globalID] = nil -- if our queue is empty if not next(pushQueue) then self:UnregisterEvent("ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED") self:Print("Unregistering ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED") end end end end local initializeQueue = function() self:RegisterEvent("ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED", checkItemLock) self:Print("Registering ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED") end -- swap tabs if we need to if MailFrame.selectedTab ~= 2 then MailFrameTab_OnClick(MailFrame, 2) end ClearSendMail() -- set name SendMailNameEditBox:SetText(name) -- fill out shit for item,ct in pairs(data) do print("--------- NEXT ITEM:", item) if ct > 0 then local inv = GetItemCount(item) print("Checking item count:", inv, ct, inv 0 then for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do -- make sure the item we want is this slot if GetContainerItemID(bag, slot) == item then local _, slotCt, locked = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot) print("LOOP", GetItemInfo("item:"..item), slotCt, "/", ct, locked) if locked then -- the item is locked for whatever reason. abort? self:Message("|Hitem:%d|h[%s]|h in bag %d, slot %d is locked.", item, GetItemInfo("item:"..item), bag, slot) return else -- if item too many; find empty spot to dump extras if slotCt > ct then -- check to make sure we can split if #emptySlots == 0 then print("Not enough bag space to split. Aborting.") ClearSendMail() core:CancelAllTimers() return end -- pop empty slot off the list local extraSpace = table.remove(emptySlots) local extraBag, extraSlot = floor(extraSpace/100), extraSpace % 100 -- split and place print("splitting", bag, slot, slotCt-ct) SplitContainerItem(bag, slot, slotCt-ct) print("extras at", extraBag, extraSlot) PickupContainerItem(extraBag, extraSlot) -- place -- check when lock is clear if not next(pushQueue) then initializeQueue() end pushQueue[bag*100+slot] = true -- register source as push target ct = 0 break else -- item should have enough print("adding to mail", bag, slot, ct, slotCt, ct-slotCt) PickupContainerItem(bag, slot) ClickSendMailItemButton() ct = ct - slotCt print("and after", ct) if ct == 0 then break end end end end end end end end end -- click send self.mailQueue[name] = nil -- self:ScheduleTimer(function() -- self.mailQueue[name] = nil -- ClearSendMail() -- self:MailQueueCheck() -- end, 5) mailQueueTimer = nil end, delay) end local didSetup = false function core:SetupRBS() if didSetup or not RaidBuffStatus or not RaidBuffStatus.frame then return end didSetup = true -- register new buttons self:NewRBSButton("Flask", function() self:FlaskCheck() end, 45, "TOPLEFT", "BOTTOMLEFT", 7, 5) self:NewRBSButton("Count", function() self:Countdown() end, 45, "TOP", "BOTTOM", 0, 5) self:NewRBSButton("Loot", function() self:MasterLoot() end, 45, "TOPRIGHT", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -7, 5) -- reposition old ones RaidBuffStatus.readybutton:SetWidth(45) RaidBuffStatus.readybutton:SetText("Ready") -- hook old show/hide local rbShow = RaidBuffStatus.readybutton.Show RaidBuffStatus.readybutton.Show = function(...) RaidBuffStatus.FlaskButton:Show() RaidBuffStatus.CountButton:Show() RaidBuffStatus.LootButton:Show() return rbShow(...) end local rbHide = RaidBuffStatus.readybutton.Hide RaidBuffStatus.readybutton.Hide = function(...) RaidBuffStatus.FlaskButton:Hide() RaidBuffStatus.CountButton:Hide() RaidBuffStatus.LootButton:Hide() return rbHide(...) end --[[ fix height local heightFix = 25 RaidBuffStatus.frame:SetHeight(RaidBuffStatus.frame:GetHeight() + heightFix) -- fix future height RaidBuffStatus.frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(self, width, height) -- since this will cause OnSizeChanged to fire again immediately, we use a flag to determine which call it was if self.heightFlag then self.heightFlag = nil else self.heightFlag = true self:SetHeight(height + heightFix) end end)]] end function core:NewRBSButton(label, func, width, anchorFrom, anchorTo, anchorX, anchorY) local button = CreateFrame("Button", "", RaidBuffStatus.frame, "OptionsButtonTemplate") button:SetText(label) button:SetWidth(width) button:SetPoint(anchorFrom, RaidBuffStatus.frame, anchorTo, anchorX, anchorY) button:SetScript("OnClick", func) button:Show() RaidBuffStatus[label.."Button"] = button end --[[ -- hook GetNumGuildMembers() second return result? -- local GetNumGuildMembersHook = GetNumGuildMembers -- function GetNumGuildMembers() -- local total, online = GetNumGuildMembers -- end GetGuildRosterInfoHook = GetGuildRosterInfo local GetGuildRosterInfoHook = GetGuildRosterInfoHook local function nameNum(ind) if ind and GetGuildRosterInfoHook(ind) then return format("%s(%d)", GetGuildRosterInfoHook(ind), ind) else return format("nil(%d)", ind) end end function GetGuildRosterInfo(index) -- no need if not core.rosterRaidersOnly then -- core:Print("Request for", index, "FAILED: core.rosterRaidersOnly=",core.rosterRaidersOnly, " core.inRosterUpdate=", core.inRosterUpdate) return GetGuildRosterInfoHook(index) end local cache = core.rosterAlteredCache local baseIndex = index -- the ACTUAL index that is mapped to whatever index is -- check cache index = cache[index] or index isRaider = false -- check if raider if core:IsRaider(index) then -- if they are, set flag isRaider = true else -- if not, begin looking ahead for j=baseIndex+1,GetNumGuildMembers() do if core:IsRaider(cache[j] or j) then -- when you find one, set foundIndex's cache to index and baseIndex's cache to foundIndex's core:Print("Swapping",nameNum(baseIndex),"with",nameNum(j)) cache[j] = index cache[baseIndex] = j -- and set our locals index = j isRaider = true break end end -- if you don't find one, index is unaltered end core:Print("Request for", nameNum(baseIndex), "returning", nameNum(index), " isRaider =",isRaider) -- check flag if they're a raider if isRaider or not core.inRosterUpdate then -- if true, return actual stuff if not GetGuildRosterShowOffline() and core.inRosterUpdate then local online = select(9, GetGuildRosterInfoHook(index)) if not online then return nil end end return GetGuildRosterInfoHook(index) end -- if false, return nil end function core:IsRaider(index) local name, _, rank, _, _, _, note, _, online = GetGuildRosterInfoHook(index) -- if a raider+ rank, or below and linked to a raider -- not name tests for out of bounds check if not name or ((rank <= 1) or (rank == 3) or ((rank == 4 or rank == 2) and online and self.rosterRaidersCache[note])) then return true end return false end function core:RosterUpdatePreHook() wipe(self.rosterAlteredCache) self.inRosterUpdate = true if self.rosterRaidersOnly then self:Print("Update pre hook") end end function core:RosterUpdatePostHook() self.inRosterUpdate = false if self.rosterRaidersOnly then self:Print("Update post hook") end end]] function core:SetupPrat() local module = Prat.Addon:GetModule('AltNames') Prat.RegisterMessageItem('ALTNAMES', 'PLAYER') module.padfmt = '||%s' module.setMainPos = function() end -- Prevent dropdown menu option from being displayed module.menusAdded = true -- /run Prat.Addon:ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(ChatFrame1, "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", "Batche has gone offline.", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", 0, 3991, "", 0, true, false) -- PreAddMessage hook to limit main print to 3 characters and make sure player is added for logouts local PreAddMessage = module.Prat_PreAddMessage module.Prat_PreAddMessage = function(self, e, message, frame, event, ...) -- check to see if we have a log off if event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM" then -- .MESSAGE contains modified message with color, .OUTPUT contains raw local p, m = message.OUTPUT:match("(%S+)( has gone offline.*)") if p then local class = Prat.Addon:GetModule('PlayerNames'):GetData(p) -- inline coloring won't work (fires before) so we do it manually -- set PLAYERLINK for AltNames to read message.MESSAGE, message.PLAYER, message.PLAYERLINK = m, Prat.CLR:Player(p, p:lower(), class), p end end -- call normal PreAddMessage(self, e, message, frame, event, ...) -- unset PLAYERLINK if we have a log off so as not to have it display if not message.lL or message.lL == "" then message.PLAYERLINK = nil end -- limit to 3 characters in the main if message.ALTNAMES and message.ALTNAMES ~= "" then -- 12 characters of color padding; so sub(1, 12+length) self.ALTNAMES = self.ALTNAMES:sub(1, 15).."|r" message.ALTNAMES = self.ALTNAMES end end end function core:BugInit() local f = CreateFrame("frame") f:SetSize(50, 50) f:SetPoint("CENTER") f:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() f.finish:Play() f:SetScript("OnMouseUp", nil) end) f.s = f:CreateFontString(nil, nil, "SystemFont_Outline_Small") f.s:SetText("Test") f.s:SetPoint("CENTER") f.t = f:CreateTexture() f.t:SetTexture(0, 0, 0) f.t:SetAlpha(0.5) f.t:SetAllPoints() f.finish = f:CreateAnimationGroup() -- f.finishAlpha = f.finish:CreateAnimation("Alpha") -- f.finishAlpha:SetChange(-1) -- f.finishAlpha:SetDuration(.85) f.finishScale = f.finish:CreateAnimation("Scale") f.finishScale:SetScale(2, 2) f.finishScale:SetDuration(.85) f.finish:SetScript("OnPlay", function() -- f.s:Hide() end) f.finish:SetScript("OnFinished", function() -- f.s:Show() local t = GetTime() f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() if GetTime()-t > 0.5 then f.finish:Play() f:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) end end) end) g_f = f end function core:Nostromo() local keys = {"W", "A", "S", "D"} local xVal = {1, 0, 1, 2} local yVal = {0, 1, 1, 1} local width, height = 50, 50 local padding = 10 local offsetX, offsetY = -1.5, 3 core.frameSet = {} for i in ipairs(keys) do local frame = CreateFrame("frame", UIParent) frame:SetSize(width, height) frame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", (offsetX + xVal[i])*width + padding*xVal[i], (offsetY - yVal[i])*height - padding*yVal[i]) frame:EnableKeyboard(false) local texture = frame:CreateTexture() texture:SetAllPoints() texture:SetTexture(0, 0, 0) texture:SetAlpha(0.4) if false then frame:SetScript("onkeydown", function(self, key) if key == keys[i] then texture:SetAlpha(0.8) end end) frame:SetScript("onkeyup", function(self, key) if key == keys[i] then texture:SetAlpha(0.4) end end) end table.insert(core.frameSet, frame) end end -- creates a text string and hooks every CLEU to try and find a problematic addon function core:SetupAddonDebug() local frame = CreateFrame("frame") frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", self.db.profile.addonDebug.x, self.db.profile.addonDebug.y) frame:SetSize(100, 30) frame:EnableMouse(true) frame:SetMovable(true) frame:SetClampedToScreen(true) frame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") frame:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(self) self:StartMoving() end) frame:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(self) self:StopMovingOrSizing() core.db.profile.addonDebug.x = self:GetLeft() core.db.profile.addonDebug.y = self:GetTop() end) local text = frame:CreateFontString(nil, nil, "GameFontNormal") text:SetAllPoints() text:SetText("TEST") text:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") -- non ace local events = {GetFramesRegisteredForEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED")} for _,f in ipairs(events) do if f ~= AceEvent30Frame then local name = f:GetName() or or tostring(f) self:RawHookScript(f, "OnEvent", function(frame, event, ...) if event == "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED" then text:SetText(name) self.hooks[f].OnEvent(frame, event, ...) text:SetText("") end end) end end -- ace local CLEU = LibStub:GetLibrary("AceEvent-3.0") if CLEU then for addon, event in pairs(CLEU) do local old = CLEU[addon] CLEU[addon] = function(...) text:SetText( or tostring(addon)) old(...) text:SetText("") end end end end function core:GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED() -- local numTabs = GetNumGuildBankTabs() -- for tab = 1, numTabs do -- self:ScheduleTimer(function()QueryGuildBankTab(tab)end, tab) -- end end local function my_hash(key, ...) local i, j, str; for i=1,select('#', ...) do j=0; str=select(i, ...); key = key:gsub(".", function(k) j = (j % strlen(str))+1; return strchar((strbyte(k,1)*strbyte(str,j)) % 256); end); end i=0; for j=1,strlen(key) do i = (i + strbyte(key,j)) % 100; end return i; end local chatEvents = { "CHAT_MSG_ACHIEVEMENT", "CHAT_MSG_ADDON", "CHAT_MSG_AFK", "CHAT_MSG_BATTLEGROUND", "CHAT_MSG_BATTLEGROUND_LEADER", "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE", "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE", "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL", "CHAT_MSG_BN_CONVERSATION", "CHAT_MSG_BN_CONVERSATION_LIST", "CHAT_MSG_BN_CONVERSATION_NOTICE", "CHAT_MSG_BN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT", "CHAT_MSG_BN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST", "CHAT_MSG_BN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST_INFORM", "CHAT_MSG_BN_INLINE_TOAST_CONVERSATION", "CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER", "CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER_INFORM", "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL", "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_JOIN", "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LEAVE", "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LIST", "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE", "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE_USER", "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE", "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_GUILD_XP_GAIN", "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HONOR_GAIN", "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_MISC_INFO", "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN", "CHAT_MSG_DND", "CHAT_MSG_EMOTE", "CHAT_MSG_FILTERED", "CHAT_MSG_GUILD", "CHAT_MSG_GUILD_ACHIEVEMENT", "CHAT_MSG_IGNORED", "CHAT_MSG_LOOT", "CHAT_MSG_MONEY", "CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE", "CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_PARTY", "CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_SAY", "CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_WHISPER", "CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL", "CHAT_MSG_OFFICER", "CHAT_MSG_OPENING", "CHAT_MSG_PARTY", "CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER", "CHAT_MSG_PET_INFO", "CHAT_MSG_RAID", "CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_EMOTE", "CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_WHISPER", "CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER", "CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING", "CHAT_MSG_RESTRICTED", "CHAT_MSG_SAY", "CHAT_MSG_SKILL", "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", "CHAT_MSG_TARGETICONS", "CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE", "CHAT_MSG_TRADESKILLS", "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER", "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM", "CHAT_MSG_YELL", } local contentFilters = { } local sourceFilters = { } function core:FilterAll(filter, source) if filter or source then if not next(contentFilters) then for _,v in ipairs(chatEvents) do ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(v, function(self, event, msg, sender) if sourceFilters[sender] then return true end for filter in pairs(contentFilters) do if (filter and msg:find(filter)) then return true end end end) end end if filter then contentFilters[filter] = true end if source then sourceFilters[source] = true end end end -- core:FilterAll("achievement:284") core:FilterAll(nil, "Alabrooke") core:FilterAll(nil, "Warrwarr") -- core:FilterAll("achievement:284") -- test fix --[[local addon = CreateFrame("frame", "HorsemanSummonFix"); function HorsemanSummonFix_ZoneChange() if((GetSubZoneText() == "Forlorn Cloister")) then GameTooltip.temp = function() GameTooltip:Hide() end; GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow",GameTooltip.temp); else GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow",GameTooltip.Show); end end addon:SetScript("OnEvent", HorsemanSummonFix_ZoneChange); addon:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED"); addon:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA"); HorsemanSummonFix_ZoneChange();]]