TextRegistry = { pos = {x=0, y=0}, dispRegistry = {}, openTexts = 0, numTexts = 0, }; local TextRegistry = TextRegistry; -- ================================= -- API -- ================================= function TextRegistry:Unlock(callback) self.anchorFrame:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.75); self.anchorFrame:EnableMouse(true); end function TextRegistry:Lock() end -- TextRegistry:SetPosition - sets (x,y) coordinates of the frame; also accepts a table with x and y keys function TextRegistry:SetPosition(x, y) if (type(x) == "table") then y = x.y or 0; x = x.x or 0; end local s = self.anchorFrame:GetEffectiveScale(); end function TextRegistry:GetPosition() return self.pos.x, self.pos.y; end function TextRegistry:AddText(id, text, color) end function TextRegistry:UpdateText(id, val, color) end function TextRegistry:ClearAllTexts() end