local core = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("AllTheLittleThings", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0") local db atlt = core local defaults = { profile = { }, } local options_setter = function(info, v) local t=core.db.profile for k=1,#info-1 do t=t[info[k]] end t[info[#info]]=v core:UpdatePins(true) end local options_getter = function(info) local t=core.db.profile for k=1,#info-1 do t=t[info[k]] end return t[info[#info]] end local options = { name = "AllTheLittleThings", type = 'group', set = options_setter, get = options_getter, args = { }, } local slashCallback = {} local slashList = {} local prototype = {} core:SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype) core:SetDefaultModuleLibraries("AceConsole-3.0") function core:OnInitialize() db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("AllTheLittleThingsDB", defaults, "Default") self.db = db self:RegisterChatCommand("atlt", "MainSlashHandle") LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("AllTheLittleThings", options) local ACD = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0") ACD:AddToBlizOptions("AllTheLittleThings", "AllTheLittleThings") end function core:OnEnable() end function core:OnDisable() end -- two registry functions called with self=mod local defaultsTimer function core:RegisterOptions(modOptions, modDefaults) local name = self:GetName() defaults.profile[name] = modDefaults options.args[name] = { name = name, type = 'group', args = modOptions } if defaultsTimer then core:CancelTimer(defaultsTimer) end defaultsTimer = core:ScheduleTimer(function() db:RegisterDefaults(defaults) end, 0.01) end function core:RegisterSlashCommand(callback, ...) local keyword for i=1,select('#', ...) do local slash = select(i, ...) if slashCallback[slash] then error(("Slash command paramter already registered: '%s'"):format(slash)) end slashCallback[slash] = self[callback] if not keyword or slash:len() < keyword:len() then keyword = slash end end slashList[("|cff33ff99%s|r:|cffcc7833%s()|r"):format(self:GetName(), callback)] = keyword end function core:MainSlashHandle(msg) local _, e, command = msg:find("(%S+)") if command and slashCallback[command] then msg = msg:sub(e+1) slashCallback[command](msg) else -- print all commands print("|cff33ff99AllTheLittleThings|r available commands:") for cmd,call in pairs(slashList) do print((" %s - %s"):format(cmd, call)) end end end -- fill out our prototype now that our addon's indicies are populated prototype.RegisterOptions = core.RegisterOptions prototype.RegisterSlashCommand = core.RegisterSlashCommand